论文编号:HG241 论文字数:12560,页数:52
摘 要
关键词 : 二甲基甲酰胺 精馏塔 分离工段 筛板塔
Separation of Producing 5kt/a DMF Process Design
Distillation separation is liquid mixture wide-used unit operation, in chemical, oil refining, petroleum chemical industry etc widely application. In the process of distillation driven by energy meter, contentious, liquid two-phase repeatedly direct contact with and separation, using liquid mixture of different components, volatile degrees by volatile components to gas, liquid phase transfer by volatile components to transfer, realize the disputed liquid gas mixture various components of raw material separation. This process is simultaneously mass transfer heat transfer process.
The sieve is through a board with a tower edgeunder screen hole, updraft via screen hole dispersed, bubbling through liquid layer board, forming a gas-liquid in close contact with the foam layer. Prominent advantages of the tower is sieve simple structure, low cost, manufacturing, maintenance is convenient. Under the same conditions as production ability than float valve tower, tower board efficiency float valve tower near, reasonable design and proper operation can meet the requirements of the sieve tower, and elasticity of operation of high efficiency, using sieve can solve congestion problems, proper control of leakage.
This design task for design must capacity, realize the column DMA - DMF separation. The design of the main content is separation column, including the retention of design process, heat balance material calculation process calculation, calculate, the structure design and check.
Keywords: DMF column separation section Perforated tower
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.1.2 DMF的用途 1
1.2 DMF的工业现状 2
1.2.1国外生产情况 2
1.2.2国内生产情况 3
1.3工艺技术的比较和选择 3
1.3.1甲酸酯化二步法 3
1.3.2甲醇脱氢二步法 4
1.3.3 CO一步法 4
1.3.4三氯乙醛与二甲胺合成法 4
1.4发展前景 5
1.5原料及产品规格 6
1.6确定方案 6
1.6.1设计依据 6
1.6.2设计方法 6
1.6.3设计流程 6
1.7操作条件的确定 7
1.7.1塔板类型的选取 8
1.7.2进料状态 8
1.7.3加热方式的选择 8
2 精馏塔的工艺计算 9
2.1物性数据 10
2.1.1二甲胺和二甲基甲酰胺的物理性质 10
2.1.2饱和蒸汽压P° 11
2.1.3二甲胺和二甲基甲酰胺的液相密度ρ 11
2.1.4二甲胺和二甲基甲酰胺的液体粘度μ 11
2.1.5二甲胺和二甲基甲酰胺的液体表面张力σ 12
2.1.6二甲胺和二甲基甲酰胺的液体气化热γ 12
2.2塔的物料衡算 12
2.2.1原料液及塔顶、塔底产品的平均摩尔分率 12
2.2.2原料液及塔顶、塔底产品的平均摩尔质量 13
2.2.3全塔物料衡算 13
3 精馏塔主要工艺尺寸的设计计算 18
3.1塔的有关物性数据计算 18
3.1.1操作压强 18
3.1.2操作温度 18
3.1.3平均分子量 19
3.1.4平均密度 19
3.1.5液体表面张力 21
3.1.6液体粘度 21
3.1.7体积流率计算 22
3.2精馏塔主要工艺尺寸的计算 24
3.2.1塔径的计算 24
3.2.2溢流装置 25
3.2.3塔板设计 26
3.2.4筛板的流体力学验算 27
3.2.5塔板负荷性能图 30
3.3塔体结构 33
3.3.1塔顶空间 33
3.3.2塔底空间 33
3.3.3人孔 33
3.3.4塔高(不包括封头,裙座) 34
4 热量衡算、板式塔的结构与附属设备 36
4.1冷凝器 36
4.1.1塔釡传热负荷Qc 36
4.1.2冷却水消耗量 37
4.1.3冷凝器传热面积 37
4.2再沸器 37
4.3接管尺寸 39
4.3.1塔顶蒸汽管 39
4.3.2回流管 39
4.3.3进料管 40
4.3.4塔釡出料管 40
4.4离心泵的选择 40
4.4.1扬程和流量计算 40
4.4.2泵的选择 41
文献参考 42
附 录 43
附录一 DMA-DMF精馏塔精馏段负荷性能图 43
附录二 DMA-DMF精馏塔提馏段负荷性能图 44
附录三 年产5000吨二甲基甲酰胺分离工段蒸馏塔工艺流程图 45
谢 辞 46