论文编号:HG244 论文字数:12352,页数:26
摘 要:本文对废催化剂的综合利用进行研究,提出以生石灰为填料,以硫酸为浸取剂的工艺路线,同时考察焙烧温度、焙烧时间、废催化剂颗粒对其溶出率的影响,分别采用化学滴定法、分光光度法、原子吸收光谱法对废催化剂溶出液中的钴铬两种元素进行检测并探索各种方法的最佳实验条件。结果表明:焙烧温度400℃,焙烧时间4h,废催化剂粒度60目为较佳制备条件,废催化剂中目标金属的溶出率达98%以上。EDTA容量法测钴的最佳pH值为5-6,碘量法测定铬的最佳pH值大于10,此方法简便快速,但分析准确度和精确度相对较低。分光光度法在钴含量为0-2.50mg/L,铬含量为0-0.20mg/L范围内符合朗伯-比耳定律,原子吸收光谱法在钴铬含量为0-2.0mg/L吸光度与浓度呈良好的线性关系,后两种方法灵敏度高,离子干扰少,选择性好并且准确可靠。
Abstract: This article aims to research into the comprehensive utilization of spent catalyst, which offers a new process that takes the calcium oxide as the packing material and takes it into consideration that the influencing dissolved factors such as the roasting temperature, the roasting time, and the spent catalyst particle size. Three methods including chemical titration, spectrophotometry and pectrophotometry; atomatic absorption spectrometry(AAS)are used for the detection of the chromium and combalt in the spent catalyst and to establish the best experimental conditions. The experimental results indicate the optimum conditions are that the roasting temperature is 400 ℃, the roasting time is 4h, the spent catalyst granularity is 60mesh, the dissolution ratio is more than 98%. The best pH of EDTA Volumetric analysis of total combalt is 5-6 and the best pH of hydrogen peroxide of chromium is more than 10. The recommended method is convenient and feasible, but it has the lower accuracy and precision. The Spectrophotometric Spectrum follows the Lambalt Beer’s Law in conditions that the concentration of cobalt ions is 0-2.50mg/L and the concentration of chromium is within 0-0.20mg/L. The AAS shows a good linear relation between the absorbance and the concentration in conditions that the concentration of the chromium and combalt is within 0-2.0mg/L. The latter two methods have the advantages of high sensitivity, less interference, high selectivity and good repition.
Keywords:spent catalyst; roast; chemical titration; spectrophotometry; atomatic absorption spectrometry