论文编号:HG240 论文字数:11356,页数:26
摘 要:本文通过对英博双鹿啤酒集团废水处理工艺的调查,结合各种工艺在处理啤酒废水过程中存在的问题,提出用厌氧-好氧活性污泥法(简称A/O法)来处理啤酒工业废水。运行结果表明,处理后的出水水质较好,COD、SS、NH3-N的含量可达到GB8978-1996一级标准。并详细探讨了A/O法处理啤酒废水的主要工艺参数。该工艺具有设备简单,占地面积少,剩余污泥量少和不产生污泥膨胀等优点。
Abstract: On the basis of comparing the methods of dealing with beer wastewater at present and investigating the treatment of Yingbo beer Group’s beer wastewater, the A/O method to deal with the beer wastewater at Yingbo beer Group was proposed. The results of the experiment showed that the quantity of COD、SS、NH3-N in the out- put water reached the GB8978-1996 standard after treating with the wastewater using A/O method. The technical parameters of A/O method treating beer wastewater were also discussed. The A/O method had the characteristic of simple equipment、taking less room and producing none activated sludge.
Keywords: Beer wastewater; A/O method; Bio-chemistry craftwork