论文编号:DQ005 论文字数:20173,页数:47
摘 要
Firstly, the type of substation is briefly reviewed in this paper. Then, based on the original data analysis of substation. the theme of main electrical wiring which can be used in this design can be determined at first. And through the analysis of the reliability, flexibility and economy of the scheme, the final choice of the theme is chosen. In order to keep the continuity of power supply, BZT device is designed. In this paper, the main devices in the first side are chosen .Through calculating short cut current and dynamic stability and thermal stability, the main electrical equipment are verified in the dissertation. Besides, important of reserve power source and its solving case is given as well. At last, this paper makes a description of whole substation’s layout of the electric equipment and thunder protection,and then, the corresponding design was given.
Because of restrict of some conditions, in the dissertation, only the primary distribution system of the substation was designed, and the secondary distribution system, this paper only gives description of BZT case, I looking forward to doing further study in the future.
Keywords: Electric main connection; Load Analysis; Short-circuit current calculation; Protection setting
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 变电所原始资料及分析 1
1.1 原始资料 1
1.2 原始资料分析 3
2 电气主接线的设计原理 5
2.1 电气主接线的设计原则及要求 5
2.2 主接线的基本形式和特点 7
3 变电所电气主接线的设计与变压器的选择 13
3.1 主接线方案的拟定 13
3.2 110kV变电所主接线方案与比较 16
3.3 变压器的选择 19
4 短路电流计算 22
4.1 短路计算的目的和假设 22
4.2 短路电流计算的步骤 23
4.3 短路电流计算 23
5 导体和电气设备的选择 28
5.1 电气设备的选择原则 28
5.2 断路器和隔离开关的选择 28
5.3 电流互感器的选择 32
5.4 电压互感器的选择 33
5.5 母线的选择 34
5.6 高压熔断器的选择 35
5.7 消弧线圈的选择 35
5.8 补偿装置的选择 35
6 变电所防雷保护及配置 36
6.1 直击雷的过电压保护 36
6.2 雷电侵入波的过电压保护 36
6.3 避雷器的配置 36
6.4 避雷线的配置 37
6.5 避雷针保护范围图 37
7 高压配电装置及平面布置 38
7.1 设计原则与要求 38
7.2 高压配电装置 39
7.3 总平面布置图 40
8 总结 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43