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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ006    论文字数:14965,页数:39 附CAD一次接线图

摘  要
关键词:110kv 、主接线、接地、防雷

This article is leaching Si-dong in Tong Gang a 110kv substation step-down design. First of all, during the design process on the basis of information given by the requirements and provide data analysis of the load trend. The demand of electricity and current electricity situation expounded the need for, and then through the summary of the proposed substation, as well as to consider the direction of advance, and on to the information and analysis of local conditions, through security, economic and reliability considerations, and the power supply through the load to determine the scope of the number of the main transformer, capacity and model, but also identified the capacity of the transformer station and model, and then set the 110kV, 35kV, 10kV, and the main electricity station wiring . Finally, based on the maximum continuous current and short circuit calculation results of high-voltage fuses, isolating switches, busbar, voltage transformers, current transformers, such as a selection, and thus completed the first part of 110kV substation step-down design .

Key words: 110kv、main connection、earthing、lightning protection

摘  要 I
Abstract II
1  绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景 1
1.2 变电站设计的原始背景和材料 1
1.3 设计步骤及任务 3
2 主变压器的选择 4
2.1 负荷分析 4
2.2 主变台数的确定 5
2.3 主变容量的确定 5
2.4 主变绕组连接方式 5
2.5 变压器冷却方式选择 5
3  电气主接线的设计 6
3.1 电气主接线概述 6
3.2 110KV侧主接线的设计 7
3.3  35KV侧主接线的设计 7
3.4  10KV侧主接线的设计 8
3.5 主接线方案的比较选择 8
4  短路电流的计算 10
4.1 短路电流计算的目的 10
4.2 短路电流的计算 10
表4-2   将所计算最大方式下短路电流值列成下表 15
5  主要电气设备的选择 16
5.1 电气设备选择概述 16
5.2 110KV侧断路器隔离开关的选择 17
5.3 35KV侧断路器隔离开关的选择 18
5.4 10KV侧限流电抗器、断路器隔离开关的选择 19
5.5 电流互感器的选择 20
5.6 电压互感器的选择 21
5.7 10KV侧熔断器的选择 23
5.8 母线的选择 24
6 继电保护设置 26
 6.1 设置保护的目的 26
6.2 定时限过电流保护 26
6.3 电流速断保护 27
6.4 瓦斯保护 27
6.5 变压器的保护 27
6.6 35kV母线断路器的保护 28
6.7 相间短路保护 28
7  防雷保护和接地装置 30
7.1 变电所的保护对象 30
7.2 本设计的防雷保护方案 30
7.3 接地装置 32
8   结 束 语 33
致  谢 34
参考文献 35

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