论文编号:DQ004 论文字数:16449,页数:41
摘 要
数字音頻功率放大器是一种将输入模拟音頻信号变换成PWM(脉冲亮度调制)的脉冲信号,然后用PWM的脉冲信号去控制大功率开关器件通/断音頻功率放大器, 也称为开关放大器,或者D类放大器,具有对电源及散热的要求低,还有输出功率大、效率高、频响宽、体积小、信噪比高等优点。
关键词:脉冲宽度调制 全桥逆变电路 死区时间
Digital Audio Power Amplifier is such a amplifier that adopt PWM of the input audio signal or PCM digital information transformation into a PWM (pulse brightness Modulation) or PDM (pulse density modulation) signal pulse, Then PWM or PDM signal to the control pulse high power switching device / Off Audio Power Amplifier, also known as the switch amplifier, or class D amplifier, with the power and cooling requirements of low, and output power, high efficiency, wide frequency response, small size, high signal-to-noise ratio advantage.
This paper describes the design of the Class D power amplifier, it from the input signal processing circuit, switch signal forming circuit, High-power switching circuit and a low-pass filter in four parts.
Input signal formed by the PWM circuit, the input signal amplitude changes converted into pulse width changes.
Switching power circuit used to MOS - FET power switching devices bridge control the entire way. Bridge approach of the two diagonal tube rotation opposite condition-off.
Low-pass filter effect will be to create the entire pulse waveform simulation waveform beautiful, that is filtered PWM carrier components. Use small power loss LC-filter.
Keywords: Pulse width modulator , Full-bridge inverter circuit , Dead time
目 录
摘 要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………I
1 绪 论 1
1.1选题目的及背景意义 1
1.2 国内外技术的现状 2
1.3 本文主要研究内容 3
2 数字音频放大器的主要器件 4
2.1 555定时器 4
2.2 运算放大器 7
2.3 MOSFET 8
2. 4 IR2110驱动芯片 12
2.4.1 IR2110 内部结构和特点 12
2.4.2 高压侧悬浮驱动的自举原理 13
2.4.3自举电容及栅极限流电阻选取 14
2.4.4 负压电路 15
2.5 非门 16
2. 6 快恢复二极管 16
3 50W数字音频放大器电路的设计 17
3.1D类放大器的工作原理 17
3.2 PWM逆变控制电路及滤波电路 18
3.2.1 电压型PWM逆变电路 18
3.2.2 低通滤波部分 20
3.3 隔离及驱动部分 21
3.3.1 隔离介绍及作用 21
3.3.2 IR2110在驱动电路中的作用 23
3.4 死区时间部分 23
3.5 SPWM控制部分 25
3.6 反馈部分 28
3.7 整个电子电路图 29
4 数字音频放大器的其他考虑 31
4.1 失真和噪音的考虑 31
4.2 对EMI(电磁辐射)的考虑 33
4.3 D类放大器的散热考虑 34
结论 37
致 谢 38
参考文献 39