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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1159    论文字数:18405,页数:37 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译


关键词:600MW火电机组 热经济性 回热系统分析模型

600MW Thermal Power Unit Heat recovery systems analysis model
 China is an energy-rich but energy level is also an urgent need to improve the country. power generation business is the major energy consumption. The level of their energy level direct impact on the country''s energy situation. Relations with the country''s environmental quality,also generating enterprises for sustainable development an important link. With the development of the times, thermal power generation uses large capacity and supercritical technology, which is an effective way to improve the economic units. China also makes supercritical unit as one of the key points to the construction of thermal power units in a period of the future. 600 MW thermal power units is the main part of supercritical thermal power units,  for an important part of 600 MW thermal power units-- heat recovery system, the analysis of heat recovery system plays an important role of improving the thermal efficiency, saving energy and the stability of the system. This paper introduces the characteristic and main process of production for 600 MW thermal power units. The entire thermal system of thermal power units is described exhaustively and the paper focuses on the regenerative system. Several methods for the hot efficient target analysis of thermoelectric power station are described in detail. And the establishment of a heat recovery system of calculation model of economic indicators and analysis of small indicators. Finally, examples prove the veracity and reliability of heat recovery systems analysis model of thermal power units, which has already been established. Power Unit for the thermal system to provide thermal efficiency of the evaluation method.

Keywords: 600MW Thermal Power Unit ,Heat economy,Heat recovery systems analysis model

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 中国能源现状概述 1
1.2 火电机组的发展历史、现况及发展方向 3
1.3 火电发电在我国电力行业中的地位 4
1.4 火电厂节能的意义 5
第二章  600MW火电机组热力系统介绍 7
2.1 600MW火电机组概述 7
2.2 600MW火电机组的工作过程 7
2.3 600MW火电机组热力设备介绍 7
2.3.10 给水泵汽轮机的热力系统 10
2.4 600MW火电机组回热系统介绍 10
2.5 600MW火电机组回热加热器的分类及特点 11
第三章  600MW火电机组回热系统分析模型 13
3.1 热力系统经济性分析方法 13
3.2 热力系统汽水分布矩阵方程的确定 14
3.3 功率方程及吸热量方程 18
3.4 水和水蒸汽热物性参数计算模型 19
3.5 排汽焓计算 19
3.6 600MW火电机组耗差分析 20
第四章 小指标分析 22
4.1 抽汽压损 22
4.2 加热器端差 22
4.3 各参数应达值的确定 23
4.4 总能损确定 24
4.5 热经济性计算示例 25
第四章  总结 30
参考文献 31
致谢 33





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