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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD1104    论文字数:18193,页数:46

 摘  要
 本课题来源于浙大中控的宁波科元7万吨/年丁苯橡胶项目 (以下简称科元项目),并选择其中催化裂化装置的DCS控制以及工厂FAT作为本课题的主要研究对象,根据当前最常用的的集散控制系统的控制和工程实施方式,设计相应的可行的方案。

     The present research comes from the Ningbo KeYuan 70,000 ton/ year styrene-butadiene rubber project of Zheda Zhongkong (hereinafter referred to Keyuan project). The author selects the DCS control of the catalytic cracking equipment and plant FAT as the main subjects of this research, and on the basis of the current most commonly used distributing control system and project implementation, the author will design corresponding feasible solution.
 In this thesis, the author reviewed the development of distributing control system, introduced the basic structure and operating principles of DCS. And he also introduced the development trend of DCS and the application of DCS in industrial spot in recent years, especially analyzed the features and composition of of ECS-100 DCS of Zheda Zhongkong. The author has in this thesis briefly presented the features and the whole production process of Keyuan project and the specific process in real device of DCS; he has described the application of DCS in catalytic cracking process and designed the whole process: including design of control program, system configuration, until the final project, etc.
 What the author researched in this thesis is a practical application of the project, and the work completed is the design and engineering implementation of DCS in industrial spot. The first chapter is a brief introduction of Distributing Control System; the second chapter is the catalytic cracking process; the third chapter introduces the control programs and chain procedures of this project; the fourth chapter describes the design of entire Instrument circuit diagram of Keyuan project as well as some of the flow chart design; the fifth chapter comprehensively introduces the plant FAT.
 On the basis of analysis and design of distributing control system, and in accordance with the requirements of actual production and computer monitoring system, the present thesis has finished collecting the data of computer monitoring system, the management of the upper and lower PC. Finally, according to the result of spot operation, the author has put forward the shortcoming of the system and possible improving scheme. 
Key words: DCS;styrene-butadiene rubber;distributing control.

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1  绪论 1
1.1 集散控制系统的体系结构介绍 2
1.2 DCS系统的基本组成部分 2
1.3 本论文研究任务和主要工作 3
2  催化裂化工艺简介 4
2.1催化裂化反应原理 4
2.2 催化裂化主要工艺流程 4
2.2.1 反应再生部分 4
2.2.2 分馏部分 5
2.2.3 吸收稳定部分 6
2.2.4 能量回收部分 7
2.2.5 产品精制部分 7
3  催化裂化工段的控制要点及其策略 8
3.1 反再系统控制 8
3.1.1 提升管出口温度控制 8
3.1.2 反应沉降器压力-分馏塔顶压力控制 9
3.1.3 再生器压力与烟机转速协调控制 11
3.1.4 烟气轮机超速控制及保护 12
3.1.5 催化剂藏量控制 12
3.2 分馏系统控制 12
3.2.1 分馏塔底的控制 12
3.2.2 分馏塔温度控制 13
3.3 吸收稳定控制 13
3.3.1 吸收塔控制 13
3.3.2 吸收稳定油品质量控制 13
3.3.3 稳定塔的控制 13
3.4 主风机机组系统控制 14
3.4.1 主风机负荷控制与主风机静叶角度位置串级调节 14
3.4.2 主风机反喘振控制 14
3.5 ESD系统 14
4  项目简介及主要仪表回路图设计 17
4.1 项目介绍 17
4.1.1 项目简介 17
4.1.2 系统配置及方案 17
4.2 仪表回路设计流程 18
5  工厂验收测试FAT规程 21
5.1定义 21
5.2 测试条件 21
5.2.1 组装 21
5.2.2 组态文件 21
5.2.3 资料 21
5.2.4 测试地点 22
5.2.5测试人员 22
5.2.6测试设备 22
5.3系统配置检查 22
5.4系统供电 22
5.5 功能测试 23
5.5.1 输入和输出精度测试 23
5.5.2 输入信号故障检测及保护测试 23
5.5.3 输入信号处理及二次计算功能测试 23
5.5.4系统输入信号高低限报警 23
5.5.5显示功能的检查 23
5.5.6打印和制表功能的检查 24
5.5.7 历史数据存储及查询功能 24
5.5.8键盘功能测试 24
5.5.9组态和运算功能测试 24
5.6 性能测试 24
5.6.1 主控制卡切换时的容错测试 24
5.6.2 主控制卡故障时的容错测试 25
5.6.3 主控制卡断电时的容错测试 25
5.6.4 通讯网络的容错测试 25
5.6.5主控制卡冗余测试 26
5.6.6 数据转发卡冗余(FW235) 26
5.6.7 SCNet II 通讯网络冗余 26
5.6.8 SBus 通讯网络冗余 26
5.6.9 I/O卡件冗余 26
6  总结和改进 27
致   谢 29
参考文献 30
附   录 31





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