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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1446  论文字数:11933,页数:31

 摘要:在人们生活以及工业生产等诸多领域经常涉及到液位和流量的控制问题, 例如居民生活用水的供应, 饮料、食品加工, 溶液过滤, 化工生产等多种行业的生产加工过程, 通常需要使用蓄液池, 蓄液池中的液位需要维持合适的高度, 既不能太满溢出造成浪费, 也不能过少而无法满足需求。因此液面高度是工业控制过程中一个重要的参数,特别是在动态的状态下,采用适合的方法对液位进行检测、控制,能收到很好的效果。可编程控制器(PLC)是计算机家族中的一员,是为工业控制应用而设计制造的,主要用来代替继电器实现逻辑控制。 PID控制(比例、积分和微分控制)是目前采用最多的控制方法。
 关键词: PLC  PID  液位控制
PLC-controlled water tank level control system
Abstract:In people''s lives and many fields such as industrial production often involves the control of liquid level and flow problems, such as water supply for residents, beverages, food processing, solution filtration, chemical production and other sectors of the production process, often need to use the build liquid pool, build pool liquid level the need to maintain an appropriate height, overflow can not be too wasteful, nor too small and unable to meet the demand. Therefore, the process of industrial control surface height is an important parameter, especially in a dynamic state, the use of appropriate methods to detect liquid level control, to receive good results. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a computer in a family is to design and manufacture of industrial control applications, mainly used to replace relay logic control to achieve. PID control (proportional, integral and differential control) is currently the most used control methods. This article is a water tank level control system design process, involving the dynamic control level, control system modeling, PLC control, PID algorithm, sensors and control valve and a series of knowledge. As a single-capacity water tank level control system, its model is one-order inertia function, the control mode of the PID algorithm is used to control the core for the S7-200 series, CPU222, and A / D, D / A converter module, the sensor for the proliferation of silicon-type pressure sensors, regulating valves for electric control valve. Use the above device equipment, the control program and algorithms, in order to be able to satisfy the system such as control precision, adjusting the time and the overshoot and other quality control requirements
Key words: PLC PID level control


目  录
第一章  绪论 4
第二章 设计任务与要求 6
2.2基本要求 6
2.3 给定条件 6
2.4 主要性能指标 6
2.5 扩展功能 6
第三章 总体论证 7
3.1 总体方案的选择 7
3.1.1 控制方法选择 7
3.1.2 系统组成 7
3.2 确定系统功能、性能指标 8
第四章 系统设计 9
4.1 建模过程 9
4.2 模型参数的确定 10
4.3 软、硬件功能划分 11
4.4 系统功能划分、指标分配和框图构成 12
(1)PLC系统 12
(2)前向通道 13
(3)后向通道 13
第五章 系统开发 14
5.1 硬件开发——系统配置 14
5.1.1 PLC系统——CPU、模/数转换模块、数/模转换模块 14
5.1.2 前向通道——传感器 15
5.1.3 后向通道——电动调节阀 15
5.2 PID操作指令 16
5.2.1 PID算法 16
5.2.2 回路输入、输出转换及标准化 19
5.2.3 控制方式 20
5.2.4 回路表 21
5.2.5  PID指令 22
5.2.6  PID的编程步骤 23
5.3  软件开发 24
5.3.1 确定输入/输出关系,建立数学模型,寻找合适算法 24
5.3.2 调节器参数整定 25
5.3.3 程序流程图 27
5.3.4 程序 29
第六章 连机调试 32
总  结 34
致  谢 36
参考文献 37





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