此份附任务书,开题报告,论文,字数:13960,页数:31 论文编号:ZD098
[摘 要]
关键词:PLC的结构及原理 机械手 程序设计
The application of PLC in Manipulator Moving Control System
In the industrial production and other fields, people often endangered by such factors as high temperature, corrode, poisonous gas and so forth at work, which have increased labor intensity and even jeopardized the life sometimes. The corresponding problems are solved since the robot arm comes out. The robot arms can catch, put and carry objects, and its movements are flexible and diversified. It applies to medium and small-scale automated production in which production varieties can be switched. And it is widely used on soft automatic line. The robot arms are generally made by withstand high temperatures, resist corrosion of materials to adapt to the harsh environment. So they reduced the labor intensity of the workers significantly and raised work efficiency. The robot arm is an important component of industrial robots, and it can be called industrial robots on many occasions. Industrial robot is set machinery, electronics, control, computers, sensors, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies in the integration of multidisciplinary important modern manufacturing equipment. Widely using industrial robots, not only can improve product quality and production, but also is of great significance for physical security protection, improvement of the environment for labor, reducing labor intensity, improvement of labor productivity, raw material consumption savings and lowering production costs.
Key words: Structure and principle of PLC Manipulator Programming
目 录
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 PLC的概念及发展史 5
1.2 PLC的特点 3
1.3 PLC的分类 5
第二章 PLC的基本结构和工作原理 7
2.1 PLC的结构 7
2.2 PLC的工作原理 10
第三章 机械手移动工件控制原理及PLC选型 11
3.1 机械手的工作方式与移动工件的基本结构 11
3.2 机械手移动工件的工件流程 12
3.3 机械手移动工件的工作原理 14
3.4 机械手移动工件的控制要求 15
3.5 PLC框架配置图 16
3.6 控制系统框图 16
3.7 I/O地址配置 17
第四章 机械手移动工件控制系统程序设计 17
4.1 正常运行流程图 17
4.2 紧急停止流程图 18
4.3 程序构成 19
结束语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26