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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/10/02


论文编号:DQ303   论文字数:18272,页数:39

关键词: 喷码机、标识、可编程控制
 In the paper industry, ink jet printer in the paper the last few hurdles in the Road played a crucial part of its logo in all kinds of information, such as: 1 rolls the weight, length, grade products, product code, specifications. Although the technology is now Ink jet printer relatively perfect, but compared to other brands with foreign and the domestic Ink jet printer more needs to be improved. Because of their high-intensity, long operating life so that the lower Ink jet printer, and the impact of the industrial production rate.
 This article is to examine the PLC Ink jet printer part in the operation of the application, use of design Ink jet printer PLC control the operation and control of the electric transmission on the basis of design, testing, to PLC programming methods, and running And debugging process. Implementation of the Ink jet printer of preparation, launch, operation and other parts of the automatic control.
 This article first Ink jet printer principle proceed, according to Ink jet printer in various parts of the operation, control requirements, combined with the industrial PLC control functions, the final preparation of logic control procedures.
Key words:ink jet printer、logo、programmable control
目 录

1  绪论…………………………………………………………………1
 1.1  研究此课题的目的、意义.1
 1.2  造纸工艺流程的几个主要环节…………………………………………………1
 1.3  PLC技术的发展1
2  喷码机的发展和现状…………………………………………………………………2
 2.1  喷码机发展史.2
 2.2  中国“喷码机”市场现状及发展趋势预测………………………………3
 2.2.1  外企抢滩带来什么…………………………………………………3
 2.2.2  新产品研发步伐加快………………………………………………………4
 2.2.3  激光喷码机掀波澜………………………………………………………4
 2.2.4  发展寻求新突破……………………………………………………………5
3  喷码机原理……………………………………………………………………………6
 3.1  喷码机(喷墨编码)技术原理……………………………………………………6
 3.1.1  阀门式喷印………6
 3.1.2  脉冲式喷印.7
 3.1.3  压电式喷印.7
 3.1.4  气泡式喷印…………………………………………………………………8
 3.1.5  偏转式喷印…………………………………………………………………8
 3.1.6  连续式喷印…………………………………………………………………9
 3.1.7  二元式喷印…………………………………………………………………9
 3.2  产品规格特性………………………………………………………………………10

4  PLC的发展和特点……………………………………………………………………12
 4.1  PLC发展史12
 4.2  特点及应用.12
 4.2.1  PLC的特点……………………………………………………………12
 4.2.2  PLC应用……………………………………………………………………12
5  PLC的原理…………………………………………………………………………………13
 5.1  PLC的硬件构成13
 5.1.1  CPU.13
 5.1.2  存储器.15
 5.1.3  输入输出接口.15
 5.1.4  电源.17
 5.1.5  编程器.18
 5.1.6  I/O扩展接口18
 5.1.7  外部设备接口.18
 5.2  PLC的软件构成18
 5.2.1  系统管理程序的作用.18
 5.2.2  用户指令解释程序…………………………………………………………19
 5.3  PLC的工作原理19
 5.4  PLC与工业控制系统的区别21
 5.5  编程语言介绍.22
 5.5.1  梯形图语言…………………………………………………………………22
 5.5.2  梯形图中的符号……………………………………………………………22
 5.5.3  梯形图编程的格式和特点…………………………………………………22
 5.5.4  指令助记符语言…………………………………………………………23
6  喷码机的PLC控制……………………………………………………………………24
 6.1  EM223各型号输出端子连接24
 6.1.1  I/O接点分配及控制对象25
 6.2  喷码机系统构成图.26
 6.3  喷码机T型图解释.26
 6.3.1  喷码机起始状态.26
 6.3.2  喷码机喷印.27
 6.3.3  喷码机换行第二次喷码准备.27
 6.3.4  喷码结束.29
 6.4  程序………………………………………………………………………………29
致    谢.33

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