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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:DQ014    论文字数:20310,页数:46

 摘  要


With the development of grid and high pressure of the formation of large-capacity power grids, electricity to the national economy and social development has brought about tremendous power and effect, and social development and become indispensable to people''s daily lives, one of the energy. Distribution design for industrial production and has become an important power system issues. The main graduation project of the West Industrial Park on a factory 35kv substation design a system, through the design analysis of raw data for the west of the electricity plant construction and inspection, a preliminary program to determine its power supply system. For each workshop, as well as each group to calculate the load equipment, statistics and the total load power factor, as well as the loss of electric power system; calculated, and then to determine the main step-down transformer substation of the number and capacity, power factor compensation package. Determine the basis of design information into the power lines and power sources, the development of the power supply system map. Primary system and then its corresponding short-circuit calculations and the choice of high and low voltage equipment and calibration, the final design of relay protection.
 Key words:  Transformer station;Substation;Short-circuit current;Protection system;powerfactor


目   录
摘  要......Ⅰ

1  前言 .. 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2 课题意义 2
1.3 课题内容 2
 1.3.1 内容概述 2
 1.3.2设计总任务 2
 1.3.3工业园区某模具厂用电设备分布图及基本数据 4
 1.3.4气象、水温、地质资料 6
 1.3.5供电部门技术资料及供电协议 7
2 变电所一次系统设计.... ..9
2.1 全厂负荷统计 9
 2.1.1负荷的概念 9
 2.1.2负荷的计算方法 8
2.2 总降压变电所变压器的选择15
 2.6.2 35kv高压进线线路选择与校验 28
 2.6.3 10kv高压出线线路选择和校验 29
2.7继电保护装置. 30
 2.7.1继电保护的任务和要求  29
3  总 结40
致 谢 41

  • 上一篇资讯: 车牌识别技术研究
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