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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:DQ015    论文字数:21317,页数:67  附论文材料,包括原理图,PCB等

摘 要
关键词: 磁悬浮气隙测量系统、MATLAB动态仿真、单片机PIC16F877、气隙测量
The main content of the article is to simulate the magnetic suspension system with a functional control of the air-gap and devise the magnetic suspension circuit with the functions of air-gap measure. First of all, apply the dynamic simulation of MATLAB, through the drawing diagram to establish Mathematical model of the magnetic suspension air-gap control system for the single magnet, use the method of feedback linearization to deal with nonlinear model. Then to design the test board that use PIC16F877 microchip for core, the input of analog signals into a gap and have the function of the air-gap measure, process and storage the sampling data, finally display the relevant technical data through the LCD(Liquid Crystal Display). The system is simple, stable and reliable operation; also more easily to achieve a reasonable, accurate air-gap measurement control, the results can be very intuitive read out on the LCD. Based on magnetic suspension system with a functional control be simulated and the magnetic suspension circuit with the functions of air-gap measure be devised, the magnetic suspension technology will be more in-depth applied for the future.
 Keywords:  Magnetic suspension air-gap measure system, MATLAB dynamic simulation,
 The Single chip of PIC16F877, air-gap measure
目 录

摘 要 I
1  绪论 1
2  磁浮气隙控制系统数学建模及仿真研究 4
2.1  磁悬浮系统数学分析 4
2.1.1磁悬浮控制基本原理 4
2.1.2磁悬浮磁场的电磁场分析 4
2.2  悬浮电磁铁模型线性化处理 5
2.2.1直接反馈线性化处理 6
2.2.2悬浮系统模型的仿真和结果分析 8
3  基于PIC磁浮气隙测量系统的硬件设计 11
3.1  单片机PIC16F87X系列简介 11
3.1.1 单片机主要性能及外围特征 11
3.1.2 PIC16F877X系列单片机端口及寄存器 12
3.1.3模拟数字转化器模块 13
3.2  硬件电路组成及工作原理 14
3.2.1电源电路设计 14
3.2.2复位及时钟电路设计 15
3.2.3电流信号处理电路设计 16
3.2.4AT24C02读写电路设计 16
3.2.5液晶显示单元电路设计 17
3.2.6 键盘电路设计 18
4  基于PIC磁浮气隙测量系统的软件设计 19
4.1  软件集成开发环境MAPLAB的简介 19
4.1.1MPLAB MCD2的驱动安装 19
4.1.2工程项目的建立 21
4.2  RT-12864-10液晶显示屏简介 23
4.2.1液晶显示屏的主要技术参数 23
4.2.2内置T6963C控制器图形液晶显示模块的电路特性 25
4.2.3内置T6963C控制器图形液晶显示模块的软件特性 27
4.3  磁浮气隙测量系统的软件设计 31
4.3.1主程序的功能及流程框图 31
4.3.2键盘扫描及其延迟函数 35
4.3.3 A/D转换和标度转化函数 36
4.3.4AT24C02读写函数 38
4.3.5液晶显示函数 40
5  基于PIC磁浮气隙测量系统的软硬件调试 43
5.1  测量系统的硬件调试 43
5.1.1脱机调试 43
5.1.2仿真调试 43
5.2  测量系统的软件调试 44
6  总结 45
致 谢 46
参考文献 47
附录1 48





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