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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1205   论文字数:22006,页数:56  附原理图,外文翻译,答辩PPT

摘  要
 关键词:  半自动酶标仪  单片机  控制系统  数据采集系统

The monolithic integrated circuit controls the semiautomatic enzyme sign meter
 The abstract semiautomatic enzyme sign meter mainly uses to human body''s body fluid each biochemistry target carries on the examination, for doctor determined that all patient''s condition provides the scientific basis. At present, the enzyme sign meter already became the Medical establishment carries on the clinical diagnosis to one of medical instruments. This article take the semiautomatic enzyme sign meter research and development process in the electrical system and the application procedure software which develops in view of the semiautomatic enzyme sign meter analysis as the primary coverage, proposed the complete feasible system design plan.
 This article introduced first take the monolithic integrated circuit as the control core''s control system, the enzyme sign meter''s electronic system is quite complex, the input output are many, is quite strict to the operation timely request. The control system needs to complete like the control to step-by-step electrical machinery''s movement, guarantees the micro kneading board and the light filter movement stability and the localization accuracy; Carries on the data acquisition to the current sample cup''s multi-channel simulated signal; The real-time receive and completes the application procedure software''s control command and so on many duties. Next, this article also introduced the software system function.
 This design''s control performance target meets the semiautomatic enzyme sign meter''s system design requirement completely, has the problem in the design process, hoped that fellow teachers see coolly, and renders the instruction and the assistance.
Keywords   Semiautomatic Enzyme Sign Meter  M.C.U
             Control System  Data Acquisition System         


目  录
第一章  绪论 1
第二章  方案论证 5
 2.1系统的总体结构 5
 2.2 滤波片选择 6
 2.3 朗伯·比耳定律 6
 2.4光电检测器的选择 7
 2.5主控芯片的选择 7
 2.6 模拟数字转换系统的选择 9
第三章 系统硬件设计 11
 3.1控制系统设计 11
 3.1.1 单片机概述 11
 3.1.2 单片机89C51 12
 3.1.3 时钟电路 15
 3.1.4 复位电路 17
 3.2 电机控制系统 18
 3.3 数据采集系统 22
 3.3.1 前置放大电路 22
 3.3.2 A/D转换 23
 3.4 LCD液晶显示 26
 3.4.1 引脚功能介绍 26
 3.4.2内部结构与工作原理 27
 3.4.3应用电路 29
 3.5 键盘单元 29
 3.6 报警电路 31
 3.7 通信单元 32
 3.8 小结 33
第四章 软件设计 34
结  论   36
致  谢  37
参考资料 38
附录 A  40
附录 B  51





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