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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1161   论文字数:15272,页数:24 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译


Sequence control logic analysis Of Mill unit

 In order to realize energy conservation in thermal power plant,it is the key to reduce fuel oil of coal pulverizer during the start-up and shut-down. Through the sequence control system to the boiler, turbine, generator effective start and stop. The sequence control of start-stop to the mill,And focused on The sequence control logic of start-stop to the mill for the coordination and control unit to provide a reliable guarantee.Mill on the start-up and tripping a logic analyzer, makes operating officer in the course of the operation to reasonably control. Through the mill order to optimize control logic, in the warm mill grinding process, the mill started the process of sequence control, Mills and Mills after the commencement of the order related to the coal sequence control logic Optimized system makes it easier to operate. To avoid the operation staff of the mill export and import control of the shortcomings of bad temperature, reduce the mill very good start and stop fuel, shorten the start-up time;Improve and optimize the mill system in all aspects of the control and regulation, thus greatly accelerating the mill''s start-up time, an improvement in fuel savings; Officers can only run through one or a few buttons on the operation of a complete set of equipment and even entire units start and stop tasks. It is generalized the problems of mill in commissioning process and its settlement.

Keywords: coal mill;sequence control;optimized control


摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1磨煤机控制的意义 1
1.2磨煤机的控制方法 1
2 磨煤机的结构及原理 3
2.1磨煤机的功能组 3
2.2双进双出磨煤机的工作原理 3
2.3磨煤机的主要特点 3
2.4 磨煤机的运行方式 4
3 磨煤机的启停控制 5
3.1顺序控制的原理 5
3.2磨煤机的启动 6
3.3磨煤机的停止顺控 10
3.4 磨煤机启停应注意问题 10
4 磨煤机顺控逻辑优化 12
4.1 磨煤机暖磨过程 12
4.2 磨煤机顺控启动过程 12
4.3 磨煤机顺控启动后 13
4.4 与磨煤机相关的给煤机顺控逻辑优化 13
5 磨煤机启动顺控分析处理方法 15
 5.1控制过程中出现的主要问题及分析处理方法 15
6 结束语 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21





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