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论文编号:DQ137   论文字数:18557,页数:42

关键词 :三相电机保护器; 单片机; 保护特性
 The production process are broken frequently due to the motor in operation are damaged, which is caused by abnormally running conditions. The intelligent motor protectors can be used, which will protect the abnormally running motors from damage, to minimize the malfunction time and reduce the economic losses. In this paper, a single-chip microcomputer, PIC16F877, based intelligent motor protector with functions of short-circuit protection,locked motor protection,phrase failure protection ,the overload protection ,over-voltage protection and under-voltage protection is designed on the basis of analyzing the development and status quo of motor protectors in the world.
 In this thesis, the detailed analysis applied symmetrical component method of motor’s familiar electric fault on that a high-reliability implemental method of motor’s fault protection is provided according to the features of PIC16F877 microprocessor. The system is provided with A/D conversion interface used to sampling the input current of the motor and the structure is compact. Compared with the protection instrument for motor nowadays, this system increases functions such as dynamic LCD screen driven circuit to display different information.
 According to the implemental method of motor’s fault protection the entire circuit diagrams are designed and the system software structure been easy to implement.
Keywords:Three-phrase motor protection; Single chip microcomputer; protection characteristic

摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
1  绪论 1
1.1  课题的提出依据和意义 1
1.2  电动机保护技术的发展及其研究现状 2
1.3  本文研究的主要内容 4
2  电动机故障特征分析及保护判据 5
2.1  电动机分类概述 5
2.2  短路故障特征分析及保护判据 5
2.3  堵转故障特征分析及保护判据 6
2.4  断相故障特征分析及保护判据 6
2.5  过载故障特征分析及保护判据 7
2.5.1 电动机温升特性 7
2.5.2 电动机反时限过载保护特性 8
2.6  欠压和过压故障特征分析及保护判据 9
2.6.1  欠压保护 9
2.6.2  过压保护 9
3 电信号采样及有关算法 10
3.1  采样定理 10
3.2  信号采样测量方法的比较 10
3.3  信号处理算法 10
4  电动机保护装置的硬件电路设计 12
4.1  单片机(PIC16F877)接口电路设计 13
4.1.1  单片机选用依据 13
4.1.2  接口电路 14
4.2  电压/电流采样及其调理电路设计 14
4.3  电源模块设计 15
4.4  液晶显示模块设计 16
4.4.1  液晶模块接口说明 17
4.4.2  液晶显示电路 17
4.5  故障报警和保护动作执行电路设计 18
4.6  片外存储器扩展电路设计 19
4.7  按键电路设计 20
5  多功能电机综合保护器的软件设计 22
5.1  主程序的设计 22
5.2  工作状态的程序设计 23
5.3  AD采样子程序 24
5.4  设置状态程序设计 26
5.5  液晶显示 27
6  系统抗干扰设计 30
6.1  硬件抗干扰设计 30
6.2  RC低通滤波器设计 30
6.3   隔离抗干扰技术 30
6.4  印刷电路板抗干扰措施 32
7  结论 34
致 谢 35
主要参考文献: 36
附录  系统原理图及PCB图 37

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