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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1241  论文字数:18976,页数:51  附原理图



关键词: 高精度 温度控制 PID算法 过零检测

The homeothermia of high definition design of the continuously adjustable temperature controller of pattern

 The paper aims at in the navy warship equipment , the constant temperature control system of transmitting tube under the special circumstances to carry on the whole strctural design , the model of controlled target , and the achievement of PID . According to the design priniciple of high reliability strong practice、convenient operation , design rationally the whole structure of controlled temperature system ; To the complexity of heating system , in order to make the temperature of controlled object be well distributed . Making the design of model of system controlled object according to the theory of  transmitting heat ; In the hardware design of system , measurring the circuit  through chosing the temperature of platinum  reistance to improve the AID transform machine that can let up the sampling error consumedly , through improving the sampling frequency of system to improve the sensibility of system control , though improving operation accuracy of the system software to improve the adjustment accuracy of the system output rate work duty ratio . 
Keyword:  The high definition temperature isetrol  PID algorithm examines over the zero

目   录
第一章 绪论 4
1.1课题背景 4
1.2温度研究的意义 4
1.3系统的控制要求 4
第二章 系统的总体设计 5
2.1 系统的控制方案 5
2.2 系统的设计方案 5
2.3 系统总体设计框图 8
第三章 系统的控制算法 8
3.1 数学建模型的建立 8
3.1.1飞升曲线的测量 10
3.1.2 PID控制算法的原理 11
3.1.3参数整定的方法 12
3.2 温度系统PID控制的调节过程 14
第四章 控制系统的硬件电路的设计 14
4.1 AT89C51的介绍和特性 14
4.2温度传感器的选择 20
4.2.1温度检测电路 21
4.3模数转换 22
4.3.1模数转换芯片的选选择 22
4.3.2 16 位模/数转换器 ADS8341 的应用 23
4.4 光电隔离电路与加热器的脉宽调制控制电路 29
4.5显示、键盘、报警设计电路 30
第五章 系统软件设计 31
5.1主程序设计 31
5.2 PID 程序设计 33
5.3上下限报警处理子程序 34
5.4 LED数码管显示及键盘子程序设计 35
5.4.1 键盘程序设计 35
5.5数字滤波子程序 35
第六章  结束语 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39
附录A 40
附录B 40

  • 上一篇资讯: 航空发动机智能控制
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