论文编号:DQ019 论文字数:8590,页数:26 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
摘 要
关键词 工厂供配电系统;优化设计
It is well known, the electricity already occupied the inestimable status in people''s regular production and life.Specially in factory and enterprise.Without the electricity, the people cannot be engaged in any production activity. Therefore how carries on the factory designs for the power distribution as well as the factory for the electrical power distribution system optimization has now supplied the power distribution aspect the important topic. The traditional power supply way already could not follow the footsteps of the modern society fast development.
Along with the social productive way transformation and the renewal, the social productive forces forward developed unceasingly, the people already unceasingly invented and make the countless each performance superior factory for the power distribution spare part, thus enabled the factory to occur earth-shakingly for the electrical power distribution system design changed. After the people have used these advanced spare parts, not only the factory obtained the innovation for the power distribution way, moreover its quality also obtained the unprecedented enhancement.Therefore, I begin to design the factory has the practical significance matter extremely for the electrical power distribution system by myself.
Keywords the factory for the electrical power distribution system; design optimal
目 录
摘 要 I
1 前 言 1
2 设计原始资料 2
2.1设计依据……… 2
2.2气象及地质资料 3
2.3当地电业部门提供的技术资料 3
2.4供用电协议 3
3 负荷计算和无功功率补偿 4
3.1 负荷计算 4
3.2 低压侧无功补偿器的选择 6
3.3 主变压器选择 8
4 确定供电系统图 9
5 短路电流计算 10
5.1 绘制短路计算电路 10
5.2 求三相短路电流 10
6 高、低压设备选择 11
6.1 高压设备的选择 11
6.2 低压开关柜选择 13
6.3 低压断路器的选择与校验 14
7 配电线路选择 15
7.1 高低压母线的选择 15
7.2 低压出线的选择 15
7.2.1 按发热条件选择 15
7.2.2 校验电压损耗 16
8 保护整定计算 17
8.1 线路的过电流和速断保护 17
8.1.1 过电流保护 17
8.1.2 电流速断保护 18
8.2 变电所低压侧的保护装置 18
8.3 电力变压器的继电保护 19
8.3.1 过电流保护 19
8.3.2 电流速断保护 19
8.3.3 过负荷保护 20
9 变电所的防雷保护与接地装置的设计 21
9.1 变电所的防雷保护 21
9.2变电所的接地装置 22
10 结 论 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26