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论文编号:DQ121   论文字数:15302,页数:34

  HGT2212/HGT2222 广播录放盘是应急广播系统中的前置源及系统启动中心控制设备。HGT2212背景音乐为磁带,HGT2222 背景音乐为CD/MP3,两种皆有与联动设备的接口。录放盘采用电子固态录音方式做为事故广播和录音。该系列产品在设计时本着保证紧急状态下的可靠工作,同时注重正常背景广播的原则,增加了许多实用性很强的功能,如悦耳的钟声进入、背景音量渐进控制等功能。而最具特色的是:该系列产品配合两套功放产品实现同一时间下紧急广播和背景广播同时播放的功能,既完成了事故区域的指挥疏散任务,又保持了非事故区安静祥和的气氛。

 With the progress of society and the development of technology, people’s living standards and requirements have gradually increased, and their requirments for the performance and the cost-effective of various products have become increasingly high. Therefore only those products that can meet the living needs of consumers can be accepted.
 HGT2212/HGT2222 broadcasting recorder is the pre-launch audio resource and the central controlling equipment of the emergency broadcasting system. The background music of HGT2212 is played by tape and the background music of HGT2222 is played by CD or MP3, both of them have an interface with the linkage device. The recorder uses the solid-state electronic recording mode for broadcasting and recording incidents. On the principles of ensuring a normal performance in case of emergency as well as focusing on ordinary broadcastings, this series of products are added a number of practical features, namely nice bell-sound entry, background incremental volume control and so on. Among them the most characteristic one is-- with two sets of power amplifiers this series of products can make an emergent broadcasting and a backgroud broadcasting at the same time, so that not only the command mission of evacuation in incident region can be achieved, but also a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere in non-accident areas can be mantained.
 Through the development process of this project, this thesis studies and designs the man-machine interface circuits for various processes such as inputting, displaying and so on in a CD recorder. In this way, the functions of operating and monitoring can be achieved through the user interface of the CD player. Besides, the protel99SE software is used to draw and make the schematic and PCB board of the device.
 Key words: broadcasting recorder; man-machine interface; protel99SE software; schematics; PCB board

目  录
 摘 要………………………………………………………………………………I
 目 录…………………………………………………………………………….III
1  绪 论………………………………………………………………………………1
 1.1  背 景……………………………………………………………………..…1
 1.2  任务和目标………………………………………………………..……..…1
2  录放机功能特性………………………………………………………..……..…..2
   2.1  功能特性………………………………………………………..……..……2
   2.2  主要技术指标…………………………………………………………...….3
3  总体设计方案………………………………………………………..……..……..4
   3.1  系统总体结构…………………………………………….………..……….4
   3.2  人机操作界面结构………………………………….……………………...4
4  硬件设计……………………………………..……………………………………5
   4.1  芯片选择………………………………………………….…...……..……..5
       4.1.1  SN74HC164N串入并出8位移位寄存器………….………..………5
       4.1.2  ISD4002系列 2-8分钟单片语音录放电路………….……..…….6
       4.1.3  AT89C51单片机…………….………………………………………8
       4.1.4  AT89C2051单片机…………………….……………………………9
5  人机操作面板原理图设计………………………………………………………11
   5.1  键盘扫描原理……...…………………..………………………………….11
       5.1.1  按键确认……………………….………………………………….11
       5.1.2  按键防抖动技术……….…………..………………..…………….11
   5.2  LED显示原理………..…………………………………………………….12
       5.2.1  动态显示………………..………...……………………………….12
       5.2.1  串行接口的动态显示电路设计……………...…..……………….12
   5.3  设计软件及设计环境………………...……..…………………………….13
       5.3.1  protel软件介绍………………….………………………………13
       5.3.2  电路设计的概念………………...…………..……………..……...14
   5.4  电路板原理图设计………………..………...…………………………….15
       5.4.1  新建设计数据库文件………………..………...………………….15
       5.4.2  打开和管理设计数据库………………..………...……………….16
       5.4.3  设置电路图纸大小………………..………...…………………….17
       5.4.4  在工作平面上放置元件………………..………...……………….18
       5.4.5  绘制电路原理图………………..………...……………………….18
       5.4.6  生成网络列表………………..………...………………………….20
   5.5  PCB板设计………………..………...……………………………………..21
       5.5.1  启动编辑器、规划电路板………………..………...…………….22
       5.5.2  装入网络表及元件的封装………………..………...…………….23
       5.5.3  自动布线和手工调整………………..………...………………….24
6  使用方法与调试………………..………...……………………………...………25
   6.1  上电方式选择………………..………...………………………………….25
   6.2  正常广播启动………………..………...………………………………….25
   6.3  事故启动………………..………...……………………………………….25
   6.4  电子录放机………………..………...…………………………………….26
 6.5  磁带放音机操作………………..………...……………………………….26
 6.6  唱机操作………………..………...……………………………………….27
 6.7  测试………………..………...…………………………………………….27
7  论文总结………………..………...……………………………………...………28
   致 谢………………..………...…………….………………………...………….29

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