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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1202   论文字数:17702,页数:44  附原理图

摘   要



 With the infiltration in the social field of the sensor in recent years, the air pressure sensor is moving towards deepening constantly, drive tradition is it measure crescent benefit to upgrade day to control at the same time. In measuring in real time and   automatically controlled one-chip computer application system, the one-chip computer often uses as a key part, only airpressure sensor knowledge is not enough, should also follow the structure of the concrete hardware , and direct against and use the software of target''s characteristic to combine concretly, in order to do perfectly. 
    A method to devise a digital precision barometer is illustrated in this article. The sensor outputs the voltage signal responsing to the air pressure. The singal is converted by AD574 , then inputted into single chip microcomputer (SCM) and displayed on LED synchronously.
 This kind of barometer is portable ,easily operated and absolutely accord with the design requirement.
Keywords : barometer ; air pressure sensor ; ad574 ; single chip microcomputer

目   录
第1章 绪 论 2
第2章 方案论证 4
2.1 系统构成 4
2.2 下位机组成 4
2.3 传感器选择 5
2.3.1 气压传感器选择 5
第3章 MCS—51单片机的结构 5
3.1内部结构和引脚功能 5
3.1.1 内部结构 5
3.1.2 引脚功能 7
3.2  输入/输出(I/O)口 9
3.2.1  P1口内部结构及使用 10
3.2.2  P0口内部结构及使用 11
3.2.3  P2口内部结构及使用 12
3.3 存储器扩展技术 13
.3.3 .2 三态缓冲寄存器扩展输入输出接口 15
第4章 可编程多功能接口8155 16
4.1  8155的组成和管脚功能 16
4.1.1 8155的组成 16
4.1.2   接口信号 19
4.2  8155与MCS—51单片机的连接 20
第5章12位A/D转换器 26
5.1 AD574的内部结构及引脚功能 26
5.1.1 内部结构 26
5.1.2引脚功能 27
第6章气压传感器 34
6.1.基本原理和特点 34
第7章 软件设计 36
7.1 软件流程图 36
7.2 软件程序 39
参考文献    45





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