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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1417  论文字数:18291,页数:41

摘    要
 关 键 词:交通控制,传感检测,AT89C52,倒计时显示,异常状况判别及处理
  Title:MCU to complete the traffic light control system design and implementation of
 Traffic controllers system is a modern society with the logistics, travel and other transportation development of a unique set of public management systems. To ensure safe and efficient traffic order, in addition to the development of a series of traffic rules, they must have a certain scientific and technological means to achieve. In this paper, the current traffic control for in-depth analysis, based on the use of detection sensors, real-time adjustment to achieve intelligent control technology, sensor monitoring, real-time adjustments to traffic control algorithm and the role of single-chip combination is proposed based on microcontroller traffic control system design.
 8051 traffic light control system consists of 8051, traffic lights display, LED countdown, traffic detection and adjustment, compliance testing, emergency handling, time mode manual settings module. In addition to basic traffic light system functions, but also with the passage of time manually, you can countdown show, forced through the emergency vehicle, traffic detection and adjustment, identification and handling of traffic anomalies and other related functions. The system is able to prove the theory is simple, economical and effective way to ease traffic, improve traffic intersection traffic capacity.
  This design made the following main aspects: First, determine the overall traffic control system design, including, forbidding the passage of specific intersection design and various functions of the system should have, and second, the hardware circuit for the sensor, display circuit design and basic functional requirements. Third, the software system design for this system, I used the MCU assembly language, the overall completion of the software was written.

TYPE OF THESIS: Applied Research

KEY WORDS:Traffic controllers, sensor detection, AT89C52, countdown display, exception identification and handling
目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1 论文的研究背景 1
1.2 论文的研究意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状及其发展 2
1.3.1 国内外交通控制技术 2
1.3.2 交通控制存在的问题 3
1.4 单片机交通控制系统主要研究的内容 3
2系统的总体设计 5
2.1 单片机交通控制系统通行方案设计 5
2.2 单片机交通控制系统的功能要求 6
2.3 单片机交通控制系统的基本构成及原理 7
3 系统硬件电路的设计 9
3.1 系统硬件总电路构成及原理 9
3.1.1  系统工作原理 9
3.2 单片机的选择 10
3.2.1 单片机的概述 10
3.2.2 AT89C52芯片的主要性能 11
3.2.3 AT89C52芯片的内部结构框图 11
3.2.4 AT89C52芯片最小系统 12
3.3 其它硬件介绍及连接 13
3.3.1 车流量检测电路及模拟 13
3.3.2 违规检测电路及模拟 14
3.3.3 八段LED数码管 15
3.3.4 其它器件 16
4 系统软件程序的设计 19
4.1 程序主体设计流程 19
4.2 理论基础知识 20
4.2.1 定时器原理 20
4.2.2 软件延时原理 20
4.2.3 中断原理 21
4.2.4 红绿灯时间调整原理 21
4.3 子程序模块设计 22
4.3.1 按键扫描程序 22
4.3.2 状态灯显示及判断 22
4.3.3 LED倒计时显示 23
4.3.4 车流量检测中断服务子程序 23
4.3.5 紧停及违规中断服务子程序 24
4.3.6 红绿灯时间调整程序 24
4.3.7 消抖动程序 25
4.4 源程序 25
4.5 系统软件调试 29
4.5.1 TKS仿真器 29
4.5.2 集成开发环境KEIL 30
4.5.3 系统软件调试 30
5 结论与展望 33
致    谢 34
参考文献 35
附    录 36

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