论文编号:ZD1154 论文字数:22114,页数:40 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
Based on B/S 600 MW coal-fired power units to regenerate system on-line monitoring system
Energy source provided the foundation for the development of society. Our country is poor in energy resources counted by a person’s appropriation, and the usage ratio of energy source in our country is far lower than advanced country, the energy sources cost of GDP is 2~4 times than advanced country. Our country always attaches importance to energy source matter, and saving energy is the kernel of our country’s energy policy.
Power business as a major energy-consuming, energy-saving is the focus of emission reduction units. As China''s power industry development, 600 MW coal-fired power units have now become the main force units, enhance its economy is undoubtedly of great practical value. Regenerate system as an important component of thermal power plants, the system of safe and economic operation of power plants in the great impact. If the regenerate system failure, the coal consumption for power generation will increase, and the unit will contribute to lower, so the regenerate system of economic studies has great economic value. This paper analyses the structure of the 600 MW coal-fired power units of the regenerate system, thermal power plants in the study of the economic analysis on the basis of a study based on 600 MW coal-fired power units back to thermal analysis model, and apply it to on-line monitoring system. In addition, this paper, from the C/S model to the B/S model of development, based on B/S 600 MW thermal power units to regenerate system on-line monitoring system were also discussed.
Keywords: Coal-fired power unit; Thermal economical performance; Regenerate system; B/S; On-line monitoring
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景、意义 1
1.1.1 我国的能源状况 1
1.1.2 我国电力工业发展现状 2
1.1.3 本课题的意义 3
1.2 国内外相关课题的研究现状 3
1.3 研究内容及目的 4
2 火电机组热力系统分析概述 5
2.1 火电机组的发展现状 5
2.2 600MW火电机组回热系统 5
2.3 火电机组热力系统热经济性分析性能指标 9
3 回热系统计算模型的确定 12
3.1 常规热力系统计算方法 12
3.2 本文的计算模型 15
4 基于B/S模式的在线监测系统 20
4.1 从C/S模式到B/S模式的发展 20
4.2 实时数据库 25
4.3 实时数据库接口技术 26
4.4 基于B/S模式的回热系统在线监测系统 27
5 结论和展望 33
5.1 结论 33
5.2 展望 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 36