论文编号:DQ214 论文字数:17932,页数:51
摘 要
关键词:CAN总线 数字化仪表 DSPIC 脉冲驱动 SPI驱动
Traditional electromechanical meter is analog instrumentation, Generally only shows the speed, speed, fuel, battery voltage, such as tire pressure data. Only to provide the operation of the driver and a small amount of data necessary information, has been far from enough to meet the new technology of modern automobiles, high-speed requirements. Developed countries such as commonly used in today''''s all-digital display devices car dashboard, the vast majority of car instrumentation stepper motor, and is ready to develop to a higher.
For these reasons,design a vehicle based on CAN bus digital instrumentation system is imminent. I designed this based on the CAN bus system is not only the vehicle dashboard using all digital processing, and in some ways also an increase of the analog part of the original.for example, tachometer, barometer.
I used this system with DSPIC,has double CAN module, improve the stability of the system. At the same time I am in the design of an increase of menu functions, add man-machine interface operability, enriched interesting operation.
Keywords:CAN Bus、Digital Instrumentation DSPIC Pulse-driven SPIdriven
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1汽车现代汽车电子的发展概况 2
1.1.1什么是汽车电子 2
1.1.2汽车电子的发展历史 2
1.1.3我国汽车市场现状与汽车电子发展前景 2
1.1.4目前汽车电子中存在的问题和相关解决方案 3
1.2 CAN总线在汽车中的应用 4
1.2.1汽车总线的主要特点 4
1.2.2汽车总线的主要优点 4
1.2.3汽车总线系统与传统汽车电器控制系统比较 5
1.2.4 控制器局域网CAN 5
1.3 本课题的内容与任务 6
2 仪表系统方案论证 7
2.1 方案可行性论证 7
2.2 设计方案介绍 8
3 液晶模块 10
3.1 液晶控制芯片分类 10
3.2液晶控制芯片选择 11
3.3 RA8835控制字 11
3.4 杭鹏G320240A液晶控制电路 14
4 主控芯片DSPIC 16
4.1 DSPIC简述 16
4.2 DSPIC中使用到的功能模块 17
4.2.1 中断模块 17
4.2.2 定时器模块 19
4.2.3 SPI通讯模块 20
4.2.4 CAN通讯模块 21
4.2.5 EEPROM模块 22
4.2.6 看门狗模块 24
4.3 DSPIC电源电路 25
4.4 DSPIC按键电路 26
5 步进电机驱动 27
5.1 仪表用两相步进电机 27
5.1.1 仪表两相步进电机简述 27
5.1.2 仪表两相步进电机工作原理 27
5.2 仪表两相步进电机驱动芯片 29
5.3 仪表两相步进电机驱动电路设计 30
6 程序 32
6.1 DSPIC配置程序 32
6.1.1 中断配置及初始化 32
6.1.2 I/O口配置及初始化 33
6.1.3 定时器配置及初始化 33
6.1.4 SPI通讯配置及初始化 34
6.1.5 CAN通讯配置及初始化 35
6.2 液晶控制程序 35
6.2.1 液晶上电配置及初始化 35
6.2.2 液晶显示数据获取 37
6.2.3 液晶显示函数 39
6.3 按键扫描程序 40
6.4 步进电机驱动程序 42
6.4.1 脉冲式驱动程序段 42
6.4.2 SPI方式驱动程序段 43
7 总结 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47