论文编号:ZD1210 论文字数:19386,页数:48 附原理图,外文翻译
摘 要
关键词: TMS320F240 双闭环调速 控制算法 PID
This article is a direct current velocity modulation system design.
By the TMS320F240 primarily controller, its power loss bottom, the control function is strong, simultaneously, matches by the corresponding connection electric circuit, the package expands the D/A switch, triggers the electric circuit and so on. The D/A switch and triggers the electric circuit, the realization overall system control quantity output, achieves the electric motor velocity modulation the goal.
The system main circuit form uses three-phase all controls the bridge leveling circuit, also increased some protection circuits, like the fuse and so on uses the double closed loop velocity modulation, the electric current examination link and the rotational speed examination link, can obtain good is static, the dynamic performance
Calculates partially including the component parameter computation and the PID parameter starting value computation, has applied the project method. Uses the PID control algorithm.
The design has used the DSP controller, may reduce exterior primary device the integer, the software programming nimbly, the reliability is high.
Key word: TMS320F240 double closed loop velocity modulation control algorithm PID
第一章 绪 论 1
第二章 方 案 论 证 2
2.1设计要求 2
2.2设计方案论证 2
第三章 主 电 路 设 计 3
3.1变流变压器的选择 4
3.1.1阀相相电压 4
3.1.2阀侧相电流 5
3.1.3表功功率 5
3.2晶闸管的选择 6
3.2.1额定通态平均电流的计算 6
3.2.2额定断态重复峰值电压()和反向重复峰值电压() 6
3.3 平波电抗器的选择 7
3.4 熔断器的选择 7
3.4.1额定电流 8
3.4.2快速熔断器的额定电压U RE 8
第四章 控 制 电 路 的 设 计 8
4.1 DSP简介 8
4.2 前向通道设计 10
4.2.1电流检测 10
4.2.2 转速检测 11
4.2.3 DSP中的模拟数字模块 12
4.3 后向通道设计 13
4.3.1 D/A转换器 13
4.3.2 触发器 16
4.4系统显示部分 18
4.4.1显示用8279芯片 18
4.4.2 LED 显示器 24
第五章 软 件 设 计 28
5.1 调节器参数计算 28
5.1.1电流环的计算 28
5.1.2转速环的设计 29
5.2 PID控制算法 31
5.3 程序框图 32
结 束 语 36
参考文献 37
附录 程序清单 38