论文编号:ZD980 论文字数:21348,页数:44
摘 要
Conveyer belt is a running transportation equipment of motor drives. It can transport material and finished products, using broadly in industry production. Inthe running production of conveyer belt, there are belt creep, broken belt, tearing,over loading, coupling cut i.e, result in serious consequence. So measuring thetrouble is the important. In this paper, studied on the fault detection system of conveyer belt, selected sensors are torque sensor, which is new detection methodthat is differ from selected sensor former. Using it can detect belt creep, broken belt, over loading, coupling cut of conveyer belt. As far as pulling to one side and portrait tearing, selected pulling to one side sensor and portrait tearing sensor. And introduce performance, lectotype, installation, debugging.
From collectivity design software, hardware system is stated detailedly. IN the studing system of conveyer belt, the traditional chip microcomputer system is replaced by Panasonic FPX PLC control system; the disadvantages of chip microcomputer system are solved, such as complexity of software development process, low ration precision, inconvenient operation and indirect view.
In the software construction, the system interface is exploited by GTWIN that has good visual effect and is easy to be learned. GTWIN can largely shorten its exploitation cycle, reduce cost, easily be maintained, easy to realize user''s user-defined function, create friendly user interface.
PC is the high level computer and PLC is the low level computer. PC uses the serial communication component of the visual programmed software VB. This paper discusses how to realize the serial communication by way of PLC free port and build the real time monitor control system.
There is direct guiding sense to study on the other trouble measuring system and control system.
Keywords:conveyer belt, measure, trouble, PLC, GTWIN
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1本课题的意义 1
1.2测控技术在皮带运输机系统中的应用 1
1.3课题的研究目标 3
1.4课题的研究内容 3
1.4.1目前的皮带运输机故障的主要检测方法 3
1.4.2测控系统方案的比较 4
1.5本课题所采用的检测方法及控制方案 4
1.5.1皮带打滑、断带、过负荷、联轴器断开故障分析 4
1.5.2系统的工作过程 5
第2章 信号的检测 7
2. 1 传感器的一般介绍 7
2. 1.1转矩、转速、功率测试的国内外现状 7传感器 7测试系统 8
2.1.2转矩的概述 9
2.1.3转矩的测量原理 10
2 .1.3.1应变测扭矩 10转角测扭矩 12
2. 1.4转矩传感器 13电齿栅式转矩传感器原理 13数字式转矩传感器原理 15
2.2转矩传感器的选型 17
2.2.1 CGQ型转矩转速传感器的简介 17
2.2.2工作原理 18
2.2.3 CGQ型转矩转速传感器的特点 19
2.2.4主要技术参数 19
2.3跑偏开关 20
2.3.1皮带跑偏的原因 20
2.3.2跑偏开关的主要用途 21
2.3.3跑偏开关的选型 21
2.3.4工作原理 21
2.3.5主要技术参数 22
2.3.6安装 23
2.4纵向撕裂探测器 23
2.4.1皮带纵向撕裂产生的原因及检测方法 23
2.4.2纵向撕裂探测器的选型 23
2.4.3工作原理 24
2.4.4主要技术参数 24
2.4.5安装 24
2.5本章小结 24
第3章 控制系统的硬件设计 25
3.1 PLC概述 25
3.1.1可编程控制器的产生 25
3.1.2 可编程控制器的特点 26
3.1.3 PLC的应用 26
3.2本测控系统中PLC的作用 26
3.3 松下FPX系列PLC介绍 27
3.3.1基本组成 27
3.3.2工作原理 30
3.4 PLC控制系统的选型 31
3.4.1 PLC选型 31
3.4.2模拟量扩展模块选型 31
3.5本章小结 32
第4章 测控系统软件的设计 33
4.1上位机软件选择 33
4.2主界面设计 34
4.3本章小结 37
第5章 课题的总结 38
致谢 39
主要参考文献: 40