论文编号:ZD462 论文字数:21864,页数:46,
摘 要:本课题是基于LABVIEW的电机试验系统的研究和设计,其中涉及到美国NI公司所倡导的“软件就是仪器”的口号。虚拟仪器是一个全新的课题。传统的电子测量仪器由于其功能单一,体积庞大,已经很难满足实际工作的需要与传统仪器相比表现为:功能更强、处理速度更快、频带更宽、用途更广、操作更简单、体积更小、可扩充性更好。微型计算机的普及程度和性能不断提高,使得基于PC台的虚拟仪器系统应运而生。本文论述了基于虚拟仪器概念的信号采集系统的实现方案。使用自主开发的数据采集卡,最终实现了基于PC平台的,具有频率计和频谱分析仪功能的数字存储示波器系统。由于使用了LabVIEW进行系统的软件开发,使得本系统具有很好的通用性和灵活性。
关键词:LABVIEW 电机试验系统 数据采集 虚拟仪器
Research And Design Based On Electrical Machinery Pilot System Of Lab VIEW
Abstract :This subject is research and design based on electrical machinery pilot system of LABVIEW, among them involve the slogan that "The software is an instrument " that U.S.A. NI Company advocated. The fictitious instrument is a brand-new subject. The traditional electronic measuring instrument, because its function is single , bulky, already it is very difficult to meet demands of real work and has compared with traditional instrument been shown as: With better function, processing speeds quick, frequency band wide, use wide, operate simple, volume little, expandability better. The popularization degree and performance of the microcomputer are improving constantly, make the system of fictitious instrument based on PC platform arise at the historic moment. This text has described the signal based on concept of the fictitious instrument and gathered the systematic realization scheme. Use the data collecting card of independent development, has realized because of PC platform finally, the figure with cymometer and analysis instrument function of frequency spectrum stores the oscillograph system. Because has used Lab VIEW to carry on systematic software development , has made this system have very good commonability and flexibility . This text software discuss data transmission, show and method that punish and realize the key technology of the course while the signal gathers mainly, guide and carry on programming according to the experiment at the same time, transfer every kind of sub VI , the purpose of the implementation system. Because this subject hardware adopts the fictitious instrument, only need the regular sensor , the core of the hardware is establishment and control of the frequency converter which controls the electrical machinery. This subject has greater potentiality, because can utilize simulation of PCI to export and automatically control the frequency converter , realize the design of the automatic data collecting system.
Keyword :LabVIEW The electrical machinery experiment system data is collected the fictitious apparatus
目 录
基于labview的电机试验系统的研究和设计 5
第1章 绪 论 7
第2章 变频调速控制 9
2.1 基本控制方式及电机工作特性 9
2.1.1 变频调速的基本控制方式 9
2.1.2 电压源供电时异步电机的工作特性 10
2.1.3 转差频率控制 11
2.1.4 矢量变换控制 14
2.2 艾默生变频器TD3000 15
2.2.1 艾默生变频器简单介绍 15
2.2.2 变频器操作及简单运转 15
2.2.3 变频器的工作状态 16
2.2.4 电机参数及其保护 16
2.2.5 辅助功能参数设置 17
2.2.6 转矩控制方式 17
2.2.7 矢量控制功能 18
2.2.8 V/F控制专用功能 19
2.2.9 开关量输入输出端子功能 19
2.2.11 编码器参数设定 20
第3章 数据采集系统 20
3.1 数据采集的基本概念及基本组成 20
3.2 采样基本原理 21
3.2.1 采样定律 21
3.2.2 采样过程 23
3.2.3 量化过程 23
3.2 模拟量输入输出 24
3.3.1 信号处理装置 24
3.3.2 采样单元 24
3.3.3 采样保持 25
3.3.4 A/D转换器 25
3.4 数据采集卡——PCI2006 25
3.5 传感器的基本原理和选用 28
3.5.1 LEM电压电流传感器 28
3.6 欧姆龙旋转编码器 30
第4章 基于虚拟仪器的软件设计 31
4.1 虚拟仪器发展现状和前景展望 31
4.2 系统设定和配置 35
4.2.1 滤波设定 35
4.2.2 通道设定 36
4.3 主程序设计和分析 36
4.3.1 前面板设计 37
4.3.2 三相电压电流采集 37
4.3.3 功率因数和功率换算 37
第5章 电机变频调速实验指导书 37
5.1 交流变频调速装置参数设定与运行试验 37
5.2 电动机空载时系统起动、运行、停止试验 38
5.3 额定频率下、额定负载下电机频谱分析 39
小 结 41
致 谢 43