论文编号:DQ024 论文字数:10566,页数:25
摘 要
关键词:LabVIEW DAQ 、数据采集、数据保存、数据回放、数据显示
With the fast development of electronics industry and continuous improvementof production effficience,it is getting more difficultto test the products.It works little by manual resource to take the testing task.So a aotomative testing system is strong desired by many electronics manufacturing companies.The main part of this design is to develop a elcetronics products test system,using LabVIEW with powerful graphical programming tools,which,including hardware design and software development.The hardware part mainly is to build data acquisition using DAQ ,to configure the communications between instruments and Pcand configure data acquisition channels.The software part is to build a intergrated system including data acquisition,data analysis,data store and data display,busing the powerful graphic data processing tools in LabVIEW .The whole system is divided into four subsystems,including user management,data acquisition,data retention and data intervals.The whole ststem can test the signals automatively and build the final report in a striking place.
Keywords:LabVIEW DAQ、data acquisiton、data retention、data intervals
目 录
摘要. . ...I
1 绪论..1
2 虚拟仪器及LabVIEW介绍3
2.1 虚拟仪器概述.3
2.2 LabVIEW是什么...4
2.3 LabVIEW的运行机制. .. ..5
2.4 LabVIEW的作用. .. .........6
2.5 选择LabVIEW的原因.....6
3 总体方案设计..............................8
3.1 系统总体结构...................8
3.2 系统硬件结构.......9
3.3 开关测试原理...................................9
3.4 系统总体软件流程...10
4 主界面. ...................................... .. 11
4.1 主界面........................... 11
5 用户管理. . .......................................13
5.1 用户登录界面......................13
6 数据采集...........16
6.1 数据采集.......................................16
6.2 数据储存部分...............17
7 数据回放...19
7.1 数据回放.......................19
8 报告生成...21
8.1 报告生成界面.......................21
9 总结............23