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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:DQ258   论文字数:11644,页数:29

摘  要
      论文以MATLAB R2009a电力系统工具箱为平台,通过SimPowerSyetem 搭建了电力系统运行中常见的单机—无穷大系统模型,实验得到了在该系统发生各种短路接地故障并由断路器自动跳闸隔离故障的仿真结果。并利用小波分析具有很强的信号特征提取能力,尤其对暂态突变信号或微弱变化信号的处理变现出明显的优势,达到了仿真的目的。

关键词  单机—无穷大;SimPowerSyetem;短路故障;小波变换  

     With the rapid development of electric power industry, electric power system, as an increasingly large scale and complicated power system fault, The user will give power plants and power equipment of the security threats, and may have caused the accident of power system, technology and safety considerations from directly power test possibility, urged using electric simulation to solve these problems based on grid power supply system, Therefore, paper depend on  the model of dynamic simulation by MATLAB build software Simulink infinite power system of single - simulation model,  the grid in various fault may meet the needs of the running of aspects.
    The paper base on platform version of Matlab R2009a,According to SimPowerSyetem toolbox to build power operation of common single—infinite system model, the experiment in the system was obtained by various circuit breaker automatically earthing faults and fault isolation of simulation results trip. Using the wavelet analysis and has strong ability of the signal feature extraction, especially for transient mutations signals or weak signal processing showed obvious advantages, Reaching purpose of the simulation.
 The main work is :
    (1) Building this simulation system of single - infinite under Simulink
    (2) Fault simulation test analysis of system
 (3) Fault detection and analysis based on Haar wavelet
 Through examples, if this method to the power system fault diagnosis, fast fault detection and diagnosis, automatic for improving the stability of power system has important significance.
 keywords: Single—infinite;SimPowerSyetem;Short circuit faults;Wavelet transform
                    目  录
目  录 2
摘  要 3
第1章 绪  论 5
1.1  MATLAB及SimPowerSystem简介 5
1.2  配电网的故障现状及分析 5
1.3  暂态稳定仿真流程 6
第2章 单机—无穷大暂态稳定仿真分析 7
2.1  复杂电力系统暂态稳定性分析 7
2.2  单机—无穷大系统原理 7
2.3  结 论 8
第3章Simulink下SimPowerSystem模型应用 9
3.1  仿真系统模型步骤 9
3.2  仿真模型的搭建 10
3.2.1模型详细参数设置 11
3.3  各种提高暂态稳定性措施的运行效果仿真 19
3.4  结 论 21
第4章 信号特征提取 22
4.1  小波变换的基本理论及应用 22
4.2  小波函数的选择 22
4.3  Haar小波变换原理 23
4.4  小波变换在仿真中的应用 24
4.5  结 论 26
结 论和展 望 27
附 录 28
参考文献 29





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