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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1170   论文字数:17701,页数:23

关键词:皮带运输机 可编程控制器  工作性能 故障处理

PLC-based control of belt transport system
Student majoring in Automation  
Abstract:Also known as conveyor belt conveyor is a continuous piece with traction transport machinery, but also a general machinery. Belt conveyor can be used for horizontal or inclined transportation, is widely used in mining, ports, power plants, steel companies, cement, food and light industry production line. Conveyor belt by the belt, frame, drive roller, bend pulley, bearing roller, return roller, tensioning devices, cleaning, etc. component parts. Belt conveyor with traditional electromagnetic relay sequence control and logic control, applied to the DC motor on the conveyor belt there is poor stability, failure and more convenient maintenance and other shortcomings; the PLC''s performance, adaptation to the environment strong, reliable performance characteristics To make it work with a stable job performance. PLC control technology based on the belt transport belt system transport systems than the traditional significantly improve production efficiency, saving the cost of production, reducing the running conveyor belt failure rate.

Key words::Belt conveyor;Programmable Controller;Performance;Troubleshooting

目  录
摘要 3
关键词 3
Abstract: 3
Key words 3
1引言 4
2皮带传输机简介 5
3可编程控制器的介绍 5
3.1可编程控制器概况 5
3.2 PLC的基本组成 6
3.2.1中央处理器 6
3.2.2存储器 6
3.2.3接口 7
3.2.4编程器 8
3.2.5电源 8
3.3  PLC的工作原理 8
3.4  PLC应用系统的可靠性措施 9
3.4.1安装与布线的注意事项 9
3.4.2 PLC的可靠性措施 10
4 皮带运输机的控制 11
4.1控制要求 11
4.1.1 控制动作 11
4.1.2电路中电器保护 12
4.2确定I\O点数及PLC的选型 13
5控制系统设计 14
5.1   控制系统设计流程图 14
5.2输入输地址分配 15
5.3系统运行流程 15
5.4   设计线路应注意的问题 16
6皮带运输机系统常见故障分析与处理 16
6.1  常见故障分析与处理 16
6.1.1 皮带运输机皮带跑偏的处理 16
6.1.2  异常噪音 17
6.1.3  皮带的使用寿命较短 17
6.1.4  皮带打滑 18
6.2  运行中常见问题 18
6.2.1 皮带断带报警系统 18
6.2.2 物料超高报警系统 18
6.2.3  越界报警系统 18
7运行结论 18
8总结 19
致谢 19
参考文献 19
附录 20





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