论文编号:ZD788 论文字数:24914,页数:51
The Control System Basing On AC Cage Induction Ajusts
With the rapid development of the power electronics technology, computer technology, the automatic control technology, AC variable speed replace the DC Speed Control has become one of the main development direction of a modern electric drive. General-purpose inverters, as well as programmable logic controller for its superior speed regulation and the effective date of suspension performance, high efficiency, high power factor and a significant power-saving effect that widely used in large and medium-sized AC motor and so on, is recognized as the most promising Speed control . This topic is designed for the development direction of AC motor that based on PLC and inverter-based AC motor control system.
This article first introduced the general development of AC Drive System, the use of it’s area, as well as the domestic and abroad research of the DC Speed Control. As PROFIBUS is a result of the do not rely on manufacturer opening working site trunk standard, the equipment produced by different manufacturers does not need adjustments to its interface can communicate with each other, now it has been widely used in manufacturing, process and building automation, and considered to be the fastest working of today''s working site trunk. Therefore, this paper based on the working principle and characteristics of the PROFIBUS trunk, discuss the situation of the MM series converter used in the system, and analyze the topology structure of PROFIBUS-DP network, the establishment of the main station and slave station in this system, guide of the inverter GSD documents, Program Designing of the PLC to the control of the inverter, MPI network settings, and finally gives the data format of control word (PQW), and status words (PIW)of the bus system. And ultimately to achieve the speed control of the AC motor through PLC and frequency converter.
Keywords The alternating current;PLC;the field bus of PROFIBUS;AC motor
摘要…… I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 PLC和变频器控制交流电机的调速的发展与现状 1
1.2 现场总线 2
1.2.1 现场总线简介 2
1.2.2 现场总线的主要优点 2
1.2.3 PROFIBUS的基本特性 3
1.2.4 现场总线的前景与发展 3
1.3 PLC和变频器控制交流调速的目的和意义 4
1.4 本论文的主要目的和内容安排 5
第2章 PROFIBUS的通讯原理 6
2.1 协议及通讯方式 6
2.1.1 协议结构 6
2.1.2 通讯方式 8
2.1.3 FDL帧的结构 11
2.2 传输技术 12
2.2.1 RS485传输技术 13
2.2.2 IEC1158-2传输技术 13
2.2.3 光纤传输技术 13
2.2.4 S7-400、S7-300的数据交换 14
2..3 本章总结 14
第3章 硬件设计方案 15
3.1 工业以太网简介 15
3.1.1 工业以太网的概念 15
3.2 系统拓扑结构图 16
3.2.1 工业总线的网络结构 16
3.2.2 PROFIBUS总线结构图 16
3.3 系统配置 17
3.3.1 PROFIBUS-DP现场总线的设备 18
3.3.2 从站 19
3.3.3 可编程控制器 20
3.3.4 变频器 20
3.4 本章总结: 22
第4章 软件的设计 23
4.1 设备数据库文件(GSD)的介绍 23
4.2 STEP软件简介 23
4.3 PLC程序设计 26
4.3.1 编程原则 26
4.3.2 PLC和存储点的地址分配 26
4.4 PI网络设置 27
4.5 机界面的特点及选择 30
4.6 分程序及说明 32
4.7 本章总结 39
结论 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
附录 43