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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD1108    论文字数:17277,页数:82

摘  要


 Mechanical hand is able to model people`s motions in many ways. Mechanical hand is able to do lots of works sucj as carrying,decorating,incising , spray-painting,and so on. This PLC design is to control hte mechanical hand by machanical hand teaching model ,using S7-200. This design includes PLC technique,position control technique,air powered technique,and the mechanical structure of the mechanical hand teaching modes is made from several machanical components including ball bearing screw mandrel, slider, cylinder and gas cramps.Siemens S-200 PLC is made up by several electronic components including stepper motor,stepper motor driver,sensos,limit switches and solenoid pilot actuated valve. The program is made up of sequense structure.Firstly I drew the flow chart and do the programming step by step.I need a PLC to control stepper motor by a main programming. I add a controlling programming of manually operation of the machanical hand. I carry out to control the machanical hand by the control panel by downloading the program to the PLC and make sure they communicate well.

Keywords:Program Logic Controler, mechanical hand, stepper motor driver, steppes motor, sensors, limit switches, solenoid pilot actuated valve

目  录
1  绪论 1
1.1  机械手背景 1
1.2  机械手意义 1
1.3  实验设计内容 2
2.  西门子可编程控制系统S7-200 3
2.1  系统概述 3
2.1.1国内外可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)发展趋势 3
2.1.2 PLC主要厂家及产品介绍 4
2.1.3德国西门子S7-200 PLC 4
2.2  开发软件STEP7-Micro/WIN简介 6
2.2.1系统要求 6
2.2.2硬件连接 6
2.2.3参数设置 7
2.2.4在线联系 10
2.2.5生成一个程序文件 10
2.2.6编辑程序文件 11
3.  机械手模型 13
3.1  机械手结构概述 13
3.1.1步进电机原理及介绍 13
3.1.2步进电机驱动器 14
3.1.3传感器介绍 17
3.1.4旋转码盘 18
3.1.5直流电机和驱动单元 19
3.1.6空气压缩机 20
4.  PLC控制机械手 22
4.1  机械手控制设计 22
4.1.1机械手控制点地址分配 22
4.1.2机械手工艺流程 24
4.2  手动控制机械手 30
4.3  装置接线、系统下载调试 32
5  PLC控制步进电机及速度位置控制 34
5.1  控制系统功能框图 34
5.2  步进电机控制系统软件设计 35
5.3  步进电机控制系统软件程序 37
5.4  STEP7-Micro/WIN位置控制向导 38
5.5  机械手运动速度设计 40
5.6  机械手运动距离设计 41
6.  总  结 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
附录一:PLC实验设计--基于S7-200的机械手控制系统 45
附录二:基于S7-200的机械手控制系统实验报告 53
附录三:S7-200的机械手控制系统程序梯形图 59





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