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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:DQ348   论文字数:10689,页数:32


 根据实际需求,本系统主要设计思想是,在Windows  XP操作系统环境下,搭建ASP运行环境IIS5.1,通过使用VBScript脚本语言完成动态的、交互的web服务器应用程序,实现实验室局域网内的学习和交流的。
关键词: ASP,网络课程,IIS 5.1

 The rapid development of multimedia computer and network technology make the education mode to change constantly. The network teaching becomes the trend of the development of education.Online course construction is imminent. In order to construct the online course better and faster,it should grasp the advantages and disadvantages of the main network curriculum,the main structure of the network course design requirements,and its characteristics,various media which are used in online teaching . In addition,some related to computer technology will be used also proficiently.             
   Network curriculum is based on Web,based on  the means of hypermedia form,the course mainly asynchronously Web. It is a complete subject of study experience,designed and organized for the completion of the teaching goal,which includes learning subject around specific learning objectives designed organization learning contents,course designment and implementation for the interactive learning activities,and to evaluate the course and assessment of the effect of such,is the complex of the learning subject and learning activities. 
 According to the actual demand,the main design ideas of this system is that under Windows XP operating system,it builds  operation environment IIS5.1 of ASP,through the use of the complete dynamic additionally scripting language and interactive web server applications,to achieve the study and communication in LAN of laboratory.
Keyword:ASP,Network curriculum,IIS 5.1

摘要 II
Abstract III
目录 IV
1  绪论 1
 1.1 选题背景 1
 1.2 课题研究的现状 1
 1.3课题研究的意义 2
2  系统概述 3
 2.1 课题的可行性分析 3
 2.2系统的运行环境 3
 2.2.1 客户端 3
 2.2.2 服务器端 3
 2.3开发工具的选用和介绍 4
 2.3.1 HTML 4
 2.3.2 IIS 5.1 服务器 5
 2.3.3 ASP 5
 2.3.4 ASP的工作原理 5
3  数据库设计 6
 3.1 数据库的概念 6
 3.2 数据库的分析 6
 3.3 数据库中表的设计 8
 3.3.1 info表的设计 8
 3.3.2 tGuestBook表的设计 8
 3.3.3 tAdmin表的设计 9
4  系统实现 10
 4.1 系统整体规划 10
 4.1.1 网站结构分析 10
 4.1.2 网站功能分析 10
 4.2 系统流程分析 11
 4.3 主要功能模块的介绍 12
 4.3.1 网站主页 12
 4.3.2 实用技术模块 13
 4.3.3 校园风采模块 14
 4.3.4 注册登录模块 14
 4.3.5 用户(学生)添加、回复留言模块 15
 4.3.6 管理员(教师)后台操作模块 17 管理员登录界面 17 管理员后台管理界面 18 用户管理(管理员)模块 22
5  系统测试 24
 5.1测试目的 24
 5.2测试项目 24
 5.3 测试准备条件 24
 5.4测试方法 25
 5.5测试结果 25
6  总结 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28

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