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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD820  论文字数:23286,页数:51,附CAD电气图

摘    要
关键词:电梯 PLC 触摸屏 通用变频器 旋转编码器

PLC-based touch-screen with the frequency of the elevator control
 With the rapid development of China’s economic and micro-electronics technology , computer technology and automatic control technology has been the rapid development of AC frequency converter technology has entered a new era, and their use has become an increasingly widespread. The modern high-rise building elevator as the vertical transport, and is closely related to people’s lives, with people raising their demands, the lift has been the rapid development of technology has been developed from drag to a speed regulator FM, the logic control replace the original by the PLC to control the relay.
 Commonly used in the analysis of modern elevator control system,control program on the basis of the control system combined with the subject requirements of the characteristics of relatively inexpensive, In this paper, a new type of control program used a new type of control program:By the PLC controller,general-purpose inverter and the composition of rotary encoder to achieve the closed-loop speed control Lift speed regulation, parallel access volume of the corresponding PLC switches the I / 0 point to complete the lift of the logic control signal.In this paper, control system software design is divided into two aspects, on the one hand, the design of PLC software, PLC control system to achieve the switch logic processing, thus ensuring that the right elevator failure to respond to calls and handling;On the other hand is the touch screen control interface design. In this paper, Mitsubishi F940GOT-TWD own design software, to carry out the elevator control interface design, at the same time a touch screen and PLC communication design.Combined with the use of touch screen technology, making the elevator control interface even more user-friendly, pluralistic. The use of PLC and touch screen technology to control the elevator, through the rational selection and design, to improve the level of the elevator control and improve the operation of the elevator comfort, so that the lift to reach a more satisfactory control effect.
 Keywords: Elevator;PLC;Touch Screen;General-purpose inverters;Optical  encoder
目  录
摘    要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
目  录 Ⅲ
第一章  绪 论 1
 1.1 引言 1
 1.2 曳引电梯控制系统国内外发展状况 1
 1.2.1 交流曳引电梯调速方式的发展 2
 1.2.2 电梯用微控制器技术的发展 3
 1.2.3 交流调速电梯控制技术存在的问题 4
 1.3 触摸屏技术的介绍 5
 1.4 本设计的主要内容及设计目的 8
 1.4.1 本设计的基本内容与拟解决的主要问题 8
 1.4.2 本设计的主要目的 8
 1.5 小结 9
第二章 曳引电梯控制系统的硬件设计 10
 2.1 电梯的基本结构 10
 2.2 电梯的技术要求及控制要求 11
 2.2.1 电梯的技术要求 11
 2.2.2 电梯的控制要求 11
 2.3 控制系统的总体结构及控制元件的选型 12
 2.4 小结 21
第三章 控制元件之间的通信设计 22
 3.1 PLC的端口地址分配 22
 3.2 曳引变频器参数设置及配线方法 23
 3.3 触摸屏的通信设计 25
 3.4 控制系统相关的接口设计 27
 3.5 小结 28
第四章 曳引电梯控制系统的软件设计 29
 4.1 触摸屏控制界面的设计 31
 4.2 编制PLC程序 34
 4.3 小结 35
第五章 总结与展望 36
 5.1 本次设计总结 36
 5.2 进一步展望 36
参考文献 37
致  谢 39
附件 40





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