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论文编号:DQ029    论文字数:23765,页数:47

摘  要

 Carving processing is a traditional technique. Modern science and technology development, market demand, especially modern manufacturing industries requirements such as molding development require carving processing develop in the direction of automation. With high-speed and high-precision, GE collection motion controller that Googol produces, can satisfy the developing requirements of carving processing.
 This article p resents the characteristics and app lications of the most popular control units,such asmovement cards, and makes a further study and analysis of the open movement control systemsbased on some movement control cards by giving an examp le of a three axle synchronous control systembased on the Gugao GE-300-SV card.. Controller of three-dimensional carving of mechanical motion control, including control system, the module achieved, interpolation movement, acceleration and deceleration control.  Mainly consists of PC and motion control card.Software mainly indroduces use of DLL of GOOGol - motion contol card and compilation of series communication programm.A new optimal acceleration control algorithm for high speed  sculpture was introduced,the algorithm reduces the number of control parameters to three,which eases the control of noise, dynamic error , reliability and working efficiency, and also eases the practice of high speed,high precision and fine sculpture. also introduces  the relevant knowledge of carving and, carving movement and carving process under the control of GE motion controller is mainly discussed in this paper.
Key words :movement control card、interpolation movement、Carving 、Optimal control

目 录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
1  绪论 1
1.1 国内外概况 1
1.2 运动控制器的发展现状与趋势 2
1.3 雕刻系统 3
1.3.1 雕刻技术的起源与发展 3
1.3.2 新型的雕刻技术 3
1.3.3 本次设计的雕刻系统 4
2  硬件系统 5
2.1 固高运动控制卡的特点 5
2.2 固高运动控制卡GE-300-SG 6
2.3 本次设计用到的GE-300-SG运动控制器的相关安装 6
2.3 执行部件—步进电机 7
2.3.1 步进电机的主要特点 7
2.3.2 步进电机原理说明 8
2.3.3 步进电机和交流伺服电机性能比较 12
2.3.4 步进电机的控制系统 13
2.3.5 雕刻系统步进电机的选择 14
2.3.6 应用中的注意点 16
2.4 硬件系统的总体描述 16
3  软件系统 18
3.1 雕刻程序的流程图 19
3.2 在Windows下Visual C++的使用 19
3.2.1 在Visual C++中生成工程文件 19
3.2.2 在Visual C++中的指令处理函数的声明和挂接 20
3.3 雕刻运动控制器的初始化及状态检测 20
3.4 雕刻轨迹运动的轨迹描述 27
3.4.1 雕刻轨迹运动的轨迹描述 27
3.4.2 雕刻中执行缓冲区连续轨迹运动 28
3.5 雕刻系统的安全机制 29
3.6 雕刻图形的程序 31
4  雕刻的控制策略 34
4.1 雕刻的控制算法 34
4.2 雕刻系统步进电机的加减速控制 37
4.3 雕刻系统中圆的插补 37
4.4 雕刻系统中步进电机的变速控制方法 38
4.5 雕刻运动中速度控制的实现 39
5  总  结 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43

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