论文编号:DQ261 论文字数:16817,页数:48
The Summary
The main components of fuzzy control system for flue-cured tobacco: MCU AT89S52, LCD Module, 3 × 3 keyboard, analog-digital converter PCF8591, three phase and single-phase asynchronous motor, stepper motor damper control compensation, and real-time clock chip DS1302 . LCD display settings and parameters related to steps. Keyboard can be set to target the upper and lower shelf temperature, humidity and rate of change of temperature and humidity. Microcontroller based real-time clock provides clock information and rate of change of temperature and humidity to temperature and humidity according to certain rules to achieve goals and get the current temperature and humidity target temperature and humidity. Upper and lower shelf with a Pt100 temperature and humidity measurements, micro-controller data from the PCF8591 be filtered to generate new data, and the current target temperature and humidity, and obtains the error e and error change rate ec, these two fuzzy quantity of obtained the role of the corresponding fuzzy sets and membership, according to control rules and the role of fuzzy sets reasoning method to calculate the role of controlling the amount of fuzzy sets and membership, this time about the amount obtained four groups of control , according to a certain percentage share of the upper and lower shelf arrive at a more reasonable amount of the role of fuzzy control fuzzy sets and membership, with the center of gravity method for fuzzy control volume for clarity, draw the amount of actual control, drive motor, control Compensation throttle. Whether the current temperature and humidity according to the current target temperature and humidity, if not met, the microcontroller can start single phase induction motor, on the furnace to control the combustion of coal, otherwise, do not start single phase induction motor. Throughout the three-phase asynchronous motor during the start and stop and start and stop micro-controller synchronously.
Key words: AT89S52, PCF8591 and the IIC bus protocol, DS1302 and the SPI bus protocol, fuzzy control algorithm.
目 录
摘要 4
The Summary 5
第一章 绪论 6
1.1 课题来源 6
1.2 课题背景 6
1.3 烤烟工艺 6
1.4 烤烟控制系统发展现状 7
1.5 模糊控制 8
1.6 使用的开发平台 8
第二章 统总体分析和设计 9
2.1 总体设计框图 9
2.2 有关数值的单位说明 10
2.3 功能特点 10
2.4 技术指标 10
第三章 硬件部分 12
3.1 微控制器 12
3.2 电源系统 12
3.2.1 整个系统电源分析 12
3.2.2 电源系统设计 13
3.3 输入输出设备——液晶显示 13
3.3.1 液晶显示模块简介 13
3.3.2 LCM1602液晶显示模块 13
3.3.3 液晶显示模块操作 14
3.4 键盘 14
3.4.1 键盘简介 14
3.4.2 矩阵键盘工作原理 15
3.5 数据采集及转换—A/D转换PCF8591及IIC总线协议 16
3.6 实时时钟——DS1302及SPI总线 19
3.7 电机 22
3.7.1 电机选择 22
3.7.2 电机控制 23
3.8 电路设计 23
第四章 模糊控制算法 25
4.1 模糊控制系统的基本结构 25
4.2 模糊控制器的基本结构 25
4.3 基于二进制数的作用模糊子集推理方法 26
第五章 软件部分 30
5.1 键盘功能分配 30
5.2 抗干扰 30
5.3 初始化及数据处理 30
5.4 主程序流程图 31
5.5 子程序流程图 31
5.5.1菜单处理子程序流程 32
5.5.2 PCF8591 A/D转换、模糊控制和步进电机控制子程序流程图 33
5.5.3 DS1302、数据处理和交流异步电机控制子程序流程图 34
第六章 模糊控制程序仿真 35
6.1 仿真方法 35
6.2 仿真结果记录 36
6.3 仿真结果分析 36
参考资料: 37
附录A 烤烟控制系统电路图(1) 38
附录A 烤烟控制系统电路(2) 39
附录B 模糊控制子程序程序 40
附录C Matlab 模糊控制仿真程序 47