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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:DQ304   论文字数:18882,页数:49

 随着数字化网络技术的发展,对传统的沟通方式带来了新的挑战,不再是以前那样面对面的谈话,而是要通过网络进行沟通。通过学习熟悉Visual C++的工具应用,熟悉和理解语音传输的基本原理。研究语音传输过程中的基本过程:采集,语音压缩,传输,解压缩,回放等等。实现局域网之间传递语音和文字,还有可以广播,即一个用户向多的用户同时传递语音和文字。可以添加,删除用户,音量调节,保存和清除记录,还可以对其进行参数设置。
关键词:声卡、Visual C++、语音、网络传输

With today''s era of the continuous development of information technology, computer technology has been the updating and development, along with the popularity of computer, information superhighway, the rise of multimedia technology has begun to enter millions of households. It makes boring computer screen into a colorful and audio-visual displays and Mao, has changed people''s learning and working environment, for human civilization opened up a new era. Sound card technology to multimedia computer technology to one of the key technologies, the computer''s sound card technology to express themselves more rich. Voice of the acquisition and broadcast networks for the transmission of sound development and progress of technology has made tremendous contributions.
With computers and digital network technology development, the traditional mode of communication has brought new challenges, is no longer before, face-to-face chat, but to communicate through the Internet. Through the study are familiar with Visual C++ application of the tools, knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of voice transmission. Voice over the course of study the basic process: collection, voice compression, transmission, decompression and playback, and so on. LAN transmission between voice and text, can broadcast that a user to many users simultaneously transfer voice and text. Can add, delete users, volume control, preservation and removal of records, but also its set of parameters.

Key words: Sound Card、Visual C++、 voice、Transmission Network 
目 录
摘要 I
1  开发背景及目标任务 1
1.1 课题的背景、意义和内容 1
1.2 主要任务与目标 1
2  系统开发环境 2
2.1 系统的开发环境 2
2.2 Visual C++介绍 2
3  VoIP技术 5
3.1 VoIP技术概论 5
3.2 VoIP的基本传输过程 5
3.2.1 语音-数据转换 6
3.2.2 原数据到IP转换 6
3.2.3 传送 6
3.2.4 IP包-数据的转换 7
3.2.5 数字语音转换为模拟语音 7
4  音频的采集播放 8
4.1 语音技术概论 8
4.2 声卡的声音采集 8
4.2.1 采样的位数 8
4.2.2 采样的频率 8
4.3 音频压缩 9
4.3.1 音频压缩的各类方法 9
4.3.2 音频信号压缩标准 10
4.4 基于WaveX低级音频API采集音频及实时播放 11
4.4.1 相关数据结构 12
4.4.2 参数设置 13
4.4.3 WaveX音频操作基本流程 14
4.4.4 WaveX消息及处理 15
5  音频的网络传输 16
5.1概述 16
5.2 网络协议 16
5.2.1 TCP/IP协议组 16
5.2.2 UDP协议 17
5.3 Winsock编程 18
5.3.1 Winsock介绍 18
5.3.2应用程序和Winsock的关系 19
5.3.3 Winsock的套接字类型 20
5.3.4接口程序 22
5.3.5程序结构 23
6  系统功能设计实现 28
6.1 添加用户模块 28
6.1.1 用户A和用户B都使用路由拨号上网 28
6.1.2 用户A通过路由拨号上网及用户B直接拨号上网 29
6.1.3 用户A和用户B都是直接拨号上网 31
6.2 音量控制模块 33
6.3 语音和文字聊天模块 33
6.4 参数设置模块 34
7 总结 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录1 WaveX API 39
附录2 程序代码及讲解 41

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