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论文编号:DQ142   论文字数:16783,页数:37


关键词:电力有源滤波器;瞬时无功功率理论;谐波电流检测; PSIM仿真

    With the wide application of power electronic devices and put into operation a large number of non-linear load,Harmonic pollution in power systems have become increasingly serious.Traditional LC filter device with a simple,But has some limitations.Power electronics technology,Control for power system harmonics provides a new method.Active filter technology can use the grid to suppress the harmonic,Improve the power line current waveform,Can compensate reactive power grid,Improve the power factor of the grid.
 Active power filter compensation due to the dynamic power in the harmonics, and the response speed and is becoming the most effective pollution control equipment harmonic one. Active power filter harmonic suppression is very effective as the current measures of its great value.
 In this paper, passive filters and active filter for a more comprehensive comparison, from the principles of the analysis of active power filter harmonic suppression principle. Active power filter harmonic current detection is the key link in the accuracy of detection of harmonic currents, affecting the filtering effect of active filters. This paper focuses on the instantaneous harmonic detection research status and a variety of detection methods more detailed analysis and research in order to shunt APF final target, based on instantaneous reactive power theory of ip, iq France, the use of PSIM simulation software established simulation model, simulation results largely achieved the expected results.
Keywords:Active power filter; Instantaneous reactive power theory; instantaneous reactive power ;PSIM simulation

摘要 I
Abstract II
1  绪论 1
1.1 提出问题 1
1.2 谐波研究的意义 1
1.3 谐波的抑制 2
1.4 国内外有关有源滤波及混合滤波的研究现状 2
1.5 本文主要研究的内容 3
2  滤波器的介绍 4
2.1 无源LC滤波器 4
2.2  有源滤波器 6
2.2.1  APF的类型、构成和工作原理 6
2.2.2 电力有源滤波器的分类 7
2.2.3  APF的前景 9
2.2.4  PPF与APF的比较 10
3  瞬时谐波电流检测技术的研究 11
3.1 谐波电流检测的研究现状 11
3.2 基于瞬时无功功率理论谐波电流检测方法研究 12
3.2.1 传统的功率理论回顾 12
3.2.2 瞬时无功功率理论概述 13
3.2.4 一种检测基波正序有功电流分量的新方法 16
3.2.5 方法检测谐波电流 20
4  并联型滤波系统的设计和仿真 22
4.1  PWM控制的基本原理 22
4.1.1 滞环比较方法 23
4.1.2 三角波比较方式 24
4.1.3 空间矢量控制方法 24
4.2 PSIM仿真软件 25
4.2.1  PSIM仿真软件介绍 25
4.3 主电路设计 26
4.4 仿真结果及分析 28
5 全文总结 30
致  谢 31
参考文献 32

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