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论文编号:DQ158   论文字数:11007,页数:38

摘  要


In busy city life, people''''s rhythm of life is getting quickly. As a result of the work and the competition pressure, some people are tired out from the press. Some people will always record the unclear wallet where in the quick rhythm''''s city life. Some has lost the handset, and what is more ,who leads the child to take to the streets to play, then the child lost.
This article introduces in the security management aspect. Uses against loses based on the RFID technology, in view of the specific data codling’s label, realizes against loses the auto-induction movement. This design uses low power MCU MSP430F2011 against to lose to the goods carries on the automatic control. Using RFID-CC2500 wireless communication module clear signal transmission and receive. The contour design must small as far as possible, to be advantageous carries. Simultaneously uses the button battery maintains the long time power supply.
Against loses the appearance based on the RFID technology, has facilitated us to the side goods management, reduced many troubles for us. In solved in the energy consumption problem also to make great strides forward one step, it in present''''s physical distribution, in the traffic control and the industrial field will also have the huge function.
Keywords:RFID; Anti-loss device; CC2500 wireless communication module; Microcontroller.

目 录
摘要  I
Abstract II
1  绪论 1
1.1  射频识别技术 1
1.2  设计的背景 1
1.3  设计的方案 1
2  系统总体方案设计 3
2.1  系统总体结构 3
2.1.1  系统设计的目的 3
2.1.2  系统的设计思路 3
2.2  系统硬件结构 4
2.3  MSP430F2011系统概况 4
2.3.1  MSP430F2011概述 4
2.3.2  MSP430F2011的特点 5
2.3.4  MSP430指令集 6
2.3.5  MSP430F2011工作模式 7
2.3.6  MSP430中断向量地址 7
2.3.7  MSP430F2011引脚定义 9
2.3.8  MSP430引脚芯片定义 9
2.4  无线收发模块CC2500 10
2.4.1  CC2500概述 10
2.4.2  CC2500性能特点 10
2.4.3  引脚结构 11
2.4.4  外接引脚介绍 11
2.4.5  接口电路注意事项 12
2.5  系统总体软件流程 13
3  硬件设计与原理图 13
3.1  RFID标签部分(子机)电路原理图 14
3.2  识读器部分(母机)电路原理图 15
4  系统软件设计 15
4.1  系统软件设计中的功耗问题 16
4.1.1  发送程序流程图 16
4.1.2  接收程序流程图 17
5  结论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
附录1  发送源程序 21
附录2  接收源程序 28
附录3  PCB板以及实物图 35

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