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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD1095    论文字数:21805,页数:45

 摘     要



关键词:局部放电 , 电容器    , 波形参数 ,放电图谱


Because the insulation of electrical equipment problems led to a serious deterioration of the accident, the power industry suffered a great loss, electricity operators must also endure the inconvenience brought about by the blackout of. PD detection is to prevent deterioration caused by the insulation of electrical equipment failures more effective diagnostic methods, but the partial discharge detection equipment itself must be in the situation can be offline for testing. In this paper, the use of the principle of online and real-time detection features, molded-against-than-partial discharge of detection technology to study the different type than the flaws of molded high-voltage converter for the pressure test.

In this paper, important to understand the definition of partial discharge, and the measurement principle, apparatus, the composition, with the use of wiring, and the results of the analysis of its causes and treatment.

Key words: partial discharge ,capacitors discharge, waveform ,parameters map

目   录

摘     要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章  绪论  1
1.1.基本概念  1
1.2.局部放电的类型  4
1.3.表征局部放电的参数  8
1.4.影响局部放电特性的因素  10
1.5.局部放电的危害性   13
第二章 局部放电测量  14
2.1.概述  14
2.2.脉冲电流法(目前使用最普遍的方法)  15
第三章  抗干扰技术  23
3.1.识别干扰源  23
3.2.屏蔽和接地  25
3.3.滤波  26
3.4.统计处理和相关分析  27
第四章 局部放电测量试验线路的选择  29
4.1.电压互感器  29
4.2.电流互感器  31
4.3.套管  32
4.4.耦合电容器(或电容式电压互感器)  32
4.5.变压器  33
第五章  测试结果的分析和评定  34
5.1.用基本表征参数来评定  34
5.2.用放电指纹来评定  36
第六章 总结  39
致谢  40
参考文献:  41

  • 上一篇资讯: 电气火灾监控系统设计
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