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论文编号:DQ155   论文字数:15652,页数:40

摘  要

 变电站是电力系统中不可缺少的重要环节,它担负着电能转换和电能重新分配的重要任务。在电力系统中变电站变换电压、接受和分配电能、控制电力的流向和调整电压的电力设施,它通过其变压器将各级电压的电网联系起来。在我国,35kV变电站分布广泛,是居民用电、工业用电的保证。35kV变电站的可靠运行,直接关系着工农业生产、人民生活、社会进步。随着经济的不断发展,特别是近几年房地产的开发,供电负荷猛增。时值国家“城、农网”即“两网”改造工程,为保证安全、优质、经济供电,更好地为地区经济服务, 35KV变电所的改造设计对于确保电网安全、稳定运行,提高供电质量和供电可靠性有着至关重要的作用。

关键词: 供电设计,变电站设计,一次电路设计

Power System Substation is an important part of an indispensable, it bears a power conversion and energy redistribution of the important tasks. Substation in power system voltage transformation, acceptance and distribution of electricity, control the power flow and adjust the voltage of the power facilities, it will at all levels through its transformer linked voltage power grid. In our country, 35kV substation widespread is the residents of electricity, industrial electricity guarantee. Reliable operation of the 35kV substation, directly related to the industrial and agricultural production, people''''s lives, and social progress. With the continuous development of the economy, especially real estate development in recent years, power supply surge load. As the country "City, rural power grid" that is, the "two net" renovation project, in order to ensure safety, quality, economic power, and better services for the regional economy, 35kV substation to ensure that the modified design for the power grid security, stability operations, to improve the quality and supply reliability of power supply has a vital role. In this paper, by searching the load of the system and the line. And information on the load, as well as the development trend line analysis, from security, economic and reliability considerations, the city of Lin''''an Jin towns conducted a 35kV substation circuit design, the preparation of the design specification and the mapping of the town of Lin''''an JinChen 35kV substation wiring diagram. Key words: power supply design,substation design,primary circuit design

目 录
摘要……………………………………………………………………………. . .……………..I
1  前言………………………………………………………………………………………....5
2  锦城镇35kV变电站设计要求与原始资料……………………………. ............... .6
 2.1  锦城镇35kV变电站总体概况……………………………………………………....6
 2.2  锦城镇35kV变电站设计技术要求…………………………………………………12
3  临安市锦城镇35kV变电站电气主接线的设计………………………………… .14
 3.1  锦城镇变电站35kV主接线概述……………………………………………………14
 3.2  锦城镇35kV变电站主接线设计原则………………………………………………17
 3.3  锦城镇35kV变电站变压器容量与台数选择…………………………..…………..17
 3.4  锦城镇35kV变电站主接线方案设计………………………………………………19
4  临安市锦城镇35kV变电站短路计算…………………………………………23
 4.1  短路计算的理论依据与基本方法…………………………………………………...23
 4.2  锦城镇变电站35kV变电站主要短路计算点的确定…………………………...….23
 4.3  锦城镇变电站35kV变电站短路计算……………………………………................24
5  临安市锦城镇35kV变电站高压电气开关设备选择…………………………….28
 5.1  高压电气设备的选择与校验原则…………………………………………………...28
 5.2  锦城镇35kV变电站高压开关电器选择与校验………………………………...….28
 5.2.1  高压断路器的选择与校验…………………………………………………..28
 5.2.2  高压熔断器的选择与校验…………………………………………………. 31
 5.2.3  高压电压互感器的选择……………………………………………………..31
 5.2.4  高压电流互感器的选择……………………………………………………..32
6  临安市锦城镇35kV变电站接地与防雷设计……………………………………...33
 6.1  锦城镇35kV变电站公共接地装置的设计………………………………………....33
 6.1.1  接地电阻的要求……………………………………………………………..33
 6.1.2  接地装置的设计……………………………………………………………..33
 6.2  锦城镇35kV变电站的防雷保护…………………………………………. ………..34
 6.2.1  电力线路的防雷措施………………………………………………………..34
 6.2.2  变配电所的防雷措施………………………………………………………..35
 6.2.3  雷电侵入波的防护…………………………………………………………..37
7 总结…………………………………………………………………………………………..38

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