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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1285  论文字数:13437,页数:44

摘  要


关键词  可编程控制器,带钢酸洗,rslogix5000编程软件


 The programmable controller is designs the manufacture for the industrial control application the special purpose computer control device, is one kind of control device which the 1960s developed. The PLC movement in industrial control''s near 40 years, to raised equipment''s service factor to play the influential role. With the lapse of time, PLC already no longer limited to initial century logic and the sequential control domain, more and more PLC products turn toward satisfy the more complex control requests to make great strides forward. Appears along with the field bus and the industry ethernet technology and promotes, more powerful promotion PLC product in industrial field widespread use. Like PLC is also quite widespread in the power plant boiler control system''s application, like PLC in strip pickling control application and so on; This topic mainly aims at PLC in the strip pickling system''s application design, reduces the labor intensity, maintains is more convenient, the reliability and throws transporting rate to enhance unceasingly. This will bring a better economic efficiency to the industy.

 Key words   programmable controller, strip pickling, logix5000 Programs the software

目  录

摘  要 I

1  绪论 1
1.1 序言 1
1.2 PLC的国内外发展 1
1.3 PLC的发展趋势 2
1.4罗克韦尔的特点 2
1.5 本课题研究意义 3
2  工艺流程 5
2.1 工艺简介 5
2.2工艺流程图 5
2.3工艺实现 6
2.4 温度的控制 7
2.4.1 检测元件的选择 7
2.4.2 PID调节 8
2.4.3 串级控制 9
2.4.4 酸洗中温度的串级控制 9
3  PLC硬件设计 11
3.1 PLC机型的选择 11
3.2 PLC的CPU选择 11
3.3 I/O模块的选择 12
3.4 电源模块的选择 13
3.5 背板模块的选择 14
4  PLC软件设计 15
4.1 Rslogix5000的特点 15
4.2 主要指令介绍 16
4.3 I/O分配表 18
4.4 程序框图设计 19
4.5 编写程序 20
结论 21
参考文献 22
附录:冷轧带刚酸洗的控制程序 23
致 谢 41





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