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论文编号:DQ042    论文字数:19037,页数:39

摘  要
 35kV substation integrated automation system for unattended form, the design shall be subject to the power grid dispatching automation design, its configuration, features include the arrangement of equipment shall meet the power grid security, high-quality, layered economic operation and information transfer, the total resources the principle of entitlement. Therefore, this design we will use this as the guiding principles of design to start design work. The entire design process including the step-down substation electrical design, microprocessor-based protection and the integrated automation system design, high voltage transmission line option, the design of lightning protection and grounding. We will compare a variety of related programs to determine the best design.35kV substation integrated automation system for unattended form, the design shall be subject to the power grid dispatching automation design, its configuration, features include the arrangement of equipment shall meet the power grid security, high-quality, layered economic operation and information transfer, the total resources the principle of entitlement. Therefore, this design we will use this as the guiding principles of design to start design work. The entire design process including the step-down substation electrical design, microprocessor-based protection and the integrated automation system design, high voltage transmission line option, the design of lightning protection and grounding. We will compare a variety of related programs to determine the best design. The design aimed at 35KV substation, through the analysis of raw data for the corresponding calculation, to determine the number and capacity of transformers, to draw the main cables, and complete the selection and calibration of electrical equipment, relay protection and automatic device configuration, and lightning protection and grounding, the site selection of the design, including the entire design of the electrical part of the important content.

Keyword: Electrical design, integrated automation, microprocessor-based protection, lightning protection, high-tension line

 目 录
摘要……………………………………………………………………………. . .…………….....I
Abstract………………………………………………………………………. ..……………....II
1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………….……....1
 1.1  35KV变电站一次侧设计现状………………………………………......................…....1
 1.2  毕业设计意义及要完成的工作.................…................2
 1.2.1  主要任务与目标…………………………. . …………………………..….…..2
 1.2.2  主要内容与基本要求…………………………..….…………………………..2
 1.2.3  设计指导思想…………………………..….……………………….…………..2
2 设计任务……………………………………………………………………………. . ….……4
 2.1  设计总任务………………………………………………………………………....……4
 2.2  工厂基本信息……………………………………………………………...... . ………...4
 2.3  气象及地质资料…………………………………………………. . .…….……………..5
 2.4  当地电业部门提供的技术资料和供用电协议…………………. . .…….……………..6
3  总降压变电所设计……………………………..................................7
 3.1  负荷分级及供电要求……………………………………….…………………….…….7
 3.2  负荷计算………………………………………………………………….…………...7
 3.3  电压选择……………………………….………………………………………………..9
 3.4  35kV变配电所主接线方案确定………………………………………………………..10
 3.5  主变压器选择…………………………………………………………………………..13
 3.6  无功补偿………………………………………………………………………………..14
 3.7  短路电流的计算………………………………………………………………………..15
 3.8  高压电器的选择………………………………………………………………………..17
 4  高压线路选择……… ……………………………………………………………….….22
 4.1  线路选择与校验的项目及条件……………………………………………………..…22
 4.2  35kV高压进线线路选择与校验………………………………………….……………22
 4.2.1  选择校验的方法……………….………………….………………………..…22
 4.2.2  按经济电流密度和发热条件选择35kV高压进线…….………………….…22
 4.3  10kV高压出线线路的选择与校验…….………………….…………………………...23
 4.3.1  选择校验的方法…….………………….………………………...…………...23
 4.3.2  按发热条件选择6.3kV高压出线…….………………………...…………...23
5  微机保护及综合自动化系统设计. .……………………………………….…………..25
 5.1  变电所操作电源的选择………………………………………………………………25
 5.2  变电所综合自动化系统设计…………………………………………………………26
 5.3  变电所微机保护设计…………………………………………………………………26
6  防雷与接地设计…………………………………….………………………..……………29
 6.1  变电所的防雷保护…………………………….………………………..……….……29
 6.1.1  电力线路的防雷措施……………………………………………………..…29
      6.1.2  变配电所的防雷措施………………………………………………….…….29
 6.1.3  雷电侵入波的防护…………………………………………………….…….31
 6.2  变电所公共接地装置的设计…………………………………………………...…….31
7  总结………………………………………………………………….……………………….32

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