论文编号:DQ313 论文字数:14048,页数:37
Substation in power system voltage transformation, acceptance and distribution of electricity, control the power flow and adjust the voltage of the power facilities, it will at all levels through its transformer linked voltage power grid. Reliable operation of the 35kV substation, directly related to the industrial and agricultural production, people''s lives, and social progress. 35kV substation to ensure that the modified design for the power grid security, stability operations, to improve the quality and supply reliability of power supply has a vital role.With the substation well designed, power grids and electrical systems run more safely, economical, and stability.
This design is about 35kV substation’s primary design. First of all, through analyzing the original design materials, calculating the load throughout the factory and choosing the corresponding quantity and capacity of the main transformer, the concrete power supply system can be made accordingly. Then for the primary system, not only the relevant short-circuit should be calculated but also the high-voltage circuit should also be selected and examined. Meanwhile, the high-voltage circuit should also be selected and examined. Finally the relay protection of power system should be given a short explanation. According to the operation of the substations in our country and the standard of various electrical apparatus such as transformer, switch, circuit and so on, the electrical apparatus can be selected concretely and quantitatively with the combination of the basic knowledge of textbooks.
Key words: Substation;primary design;transformer;short-circuit
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1.前言 1
2.分析原始资料 2
2.2 设计的基础资料 2
2.2.1 布置图 3
2.2.2 负荷性质 3
2.2.3 供用电协议 3
2.2.4 气象及地质资料 4
3.负荷计算 5
3.1 负荷计算的方法 5
3.2 各用电车间的计算负荷 5
3.3 各用电车间功率补偿的计算和变压器的损耗计算 7
4.电气主接线的设计 8
4.1变电站35kV主接线概述 8
4.2 35kV变电站主接线设计原则 11
4.3主接线的比较与选择 11
5.主变压器的选择 13
5.1 主变压器的台数选择及其原理 13
5.1.1 主变压器的台数选择原理 13
5.1.2 主变压器台数的选择 13
5.2 主变压器的容量和型号的选择 13
6.确定供电系统 15
6.1 确定电源进线电压及电力来源 15
6.2 拟定全厂供电系统图 15
7.短路电流计算 16
7.1 计算短路电流的目的 16
7.3短路电流计算 16
8. 高压设备与线路选择 22
8.1 高压设备选择原则 22
8.1.1 高压开关柜的选择原则 23
8.1.2 短路校验的原则 23
8.2 车间变电所出线开关柜的选择 23
8.3 变电所一次设备的选择与校验 24
8.3.1 35kV一次侧设备的选择与校验 24
8.3.2 6kV一次侧设备的选择与校验 24
8.4 线路选择与校验的项目及条件 25
8.5 35kV高压进线线路选择与校验 26
8.6 6kV高压进线线路选择与校验 26
9.保护装置 28
9.1 总降压变电所变压器的保护设置 28
9.2 6kV母线断路器的保护 28
9.3 6kV出线各支路的保护 28
9.4 防雷设计 28
9.5 接地设计 30
10.总 结 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33