论文编号:DQ046 论文字数:12762,页数:34 附CAD图
摘 要
关键词 :档距,短路电流计算,保护整定,可靠性
In these paper, Shipu first paper the background of the power industry and economic development of a brief introduction. Analysis of the 10 kV line in West Si-3317 raw data to understand the local environment and geographical features, as well as files on the overhead wire to choose from and design, and to determine the system to sketch; overhead lines in order to ensure the safety and reliability , a simple one for each side of the transformer short-circuit current calculation in order to select high-pressure equipment, as well as the protection device. According to some information on the final inspection, to improve the power grid lines and the maintenance of a reliable method to a number of simple measures. The main objective of this design is to improve power system reliability, cost-saving construction of electric power enterprises to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises, so that the management of 10kV lines to further automate.
Keywords:Span, Short-circuit current computation, Protection installation, Reliability
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义 1
1.2 设计依据 1
1.3 设计内容 1
第2章 配电线路导线的选择 3
2.1 配电主线概况 3
2.2 10KV高压架空线选择 5
2.3 高压电缆选择 7
2.4 档距的确定 8
第3章 配电变压器的选择与安装 9
3.1 10 kV 配电变压器台区的选择 9
3.2 10 kV 配电变压器型号的选择 9
3.3 10 kV 配电变压器容量的选择 10
3.4 10 kV 配电变压器台架的安装 10
3.5 跌落式熔断器的安装 10
3.6 变压器台区引落线 11
3.7 接地装置 11
第4章 短路电流计算及高压开关的选择 12
4.1 短路电流计算的方法 12
4.2 短路电流计算过程 12
4.3 高压开关与熔断器的选择 15
4.4 互感器的选择 16
第5章 电网安全保护方式 18
5.1 整定计算方案 18
5.2防雷措施 20
第6章 提高10kV农村配网供电可靠性的一些措施 22
第7章 总结 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
附录 电气设计图 30