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论文编号:DQ150   论文字数:15831,页数:49

摘     要
关键词 :变电所   负荷计算   变压器   继电保护

 The design of 35 KV substation system including Steel foundry, Iron foundry, electricity Assembly shop, Model room, Forge shop and so on, the factory has production machinery of high concentration, electricity demand of the equipment is great, the request of power supply is high .Power interruption will cause decline in production and product quality, leading to great economic losses. To avoid accidents and ensure the smooth progress of production, we must adopt a series of technical measures and corresponding management system to ensure the security of electricity supply,such as against receiving an electric shock, overload, over-current protection and anti-radar. Through the analysis of the firsthand information, the computation of entire factory load, choosing the corresponding main transformer number and the capacity, thus determining its concrete power supply system. Then carrying on the corresponding short circuit computation and the choice and verification of high pressure unit and the verification again to its primary election''''s system, and carrying on the choice and the verification of the high-tension line, finally set the explanation of the relay protection establishment simply. according to the elementary knowledge of the textbook and the substation system operational aspect in our country  and as well as the standard of various transformers, switch cabinets, lines, we can carry on the concrete quota choice of electric appliance equipment, finally we can obtain concrete power supply diagram of the factory’s total dropping and changing voltage substation.

Key words:  Substation  Load forecasting   Transformer   Relaying protection 

目   录
摘  要 Ⅰ
1  绪  论  1
2  设计任务 2
2.1 设计总任务 2
2.2 设计依据 2
 2.2.1厂区组成及布置 2
 2.2.2  设计资料 3
3  全厂负荷统计 6
3.1 负荷计算 6
3.2 无功功率补偿 7
3.3对各车间变压器的型号进行初选: 8
4  选择变压器的容量及台数 12
4.1主变压器的台数选择及其原理 12
4.1.1变压器台数选择的原理 12
4.1.2变压器台数的选择 12
4.2主变压器的容量和型号选择 13
4.3电力变压器的功率损耗 13
4.4 35kV侧的负荷计算 13
5  确定供电系统 15
5.1确定电源进线电压及电力来源 15
5.2拟定全厂供电系统图 15
6  短路电流计算 17
6.1计算短路电流的目的 17
6.1.1短路的原因及危害 17
6.2短路电流的计算方法 17
6.2.1计算方法 17
6.2.2计算步骤 17
7  高压设备选择 22
7.1高压设备选择的原则 22
7.1.1高压开关柜的选择原则 22
7.1.2短路校验的原则 22
7.2各部分高压开关柜的型号选择 22
7.2.1  10 kV进线柜的选择 22
7.2.2 车间变电所出线开关柜的选择 22
7.2.3 试验变压器开关柜的选择 23
7.2.4 避雷装置开关柜的选择 23
7.3 变电所一次设备的选择与校验 23
7.3.1 35kV侧一次设备的选择与校验 23
7.3.2 10kV侧一次设备的选择与校验 24
8  高压线路选择 26
8.1 线路选择与校验的项目及条件 26
8.2  35kV高压进线线路选择与校验 26
8.2.1 选择校验的方法 26
8.2.2 按经济电流密度和发热条件选择35kV高压进线 26
8.3  10kV高压出线线路的选择与校验 27
8.3.1选择校验的方法 27
8.3.2按发热条件选择6.3kV高压出线 27
8.4  各车间用电设备导线选择 28
8.4.1各变电所设备所用导线选择 28
8.4.2各车间高压负荷导线选择 29
9  继电保护设置 30
9.1 系统继电保护及自动装置 30
9.2 主变压器的继电保护装置 30
9.3 10kV母线断路器的保护 32
9.4 10kV出线各支路的保护 32
9.5 相间短路保护 33
9.6 其它各线路保护整定计算 33
10  防雷与接地设计 35
10.1 变电所的防雷保护 35
10.1.1 电力线路的防雷措施 35
10.1.2  变配电所的防雷措施 35
10.1.3 雷电侵入波的防护 37
10.2 变电所公共接地装置的设计 37
10.2.1接地电阻的要求 37
10.2.2接地装置的设计 37
11  绘制总变电所供电系统全图 38
12 总结 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42

  • 上一篇资讯: 消毒柜控制器的研制
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