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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:DQ054    论文字数:14919,页数:29

摘  要
 本论文按照电气规范手册的规定,对三层花园式建筑电气系统进行设计。全文主要通过以下四部分阐述: 有配电系统设计,照明系统设计,插座系统设计,弱电系统设计。首先,配电系统设计,包括进户配电箱功率的计算、断路器及电力线缆的计算与选型、配电系统图的绘制;其次,照明系统设计,包括照度的计算以得出不同的房间所需灯具的功率,选择灯具型号与数量,绘制灯具与开关的布线图;再者,插座系统设计,包括计算不同的房间所用电器的功率,得出不同插座的功率,计算插座的数量,绘制插座布线图;最后进行弱电系统设计,即电视、电话和对讲系统设计。
关键词: 配电、照明、插座、弱电   

The electrical system design of garden residence is an important part of the residential design. It has a great influence on showing the beauty of the residential buildings, realizing the function of residential buildings, ensuring the safety of the residents and their property and reducing the cost of construction.
 Based on the rules of Electrical Specification Manual, this paper designs the electrical system of three layered garden-style building. It consists of four main parts: distribution system design, the lighting system design, the socket system design and the weak current system design. First, the distribution system design includes the calculation of enter door distribution box, the calculation and selection of circuit breakers and power cables and the drawing of the whole system; Second, the lighting system design includes the calculation of the illumination to get the power of lamps and lanterns in different rooms, selection of the model and the number of the lamps and the drawing of lamps and switches; Third, the socket system design includes the calculation of the power of sockets through the data of appliances in different rooms, selection of the number of sockets and the drawing of the sockets; Finally, the weak current system design is equal to the design of TV, telephone and talkback system.

Keywords:Distribution system,Lighting,Socket ,Week current

目 录
摘要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
1 引言 1
2 配电系统设计 2
 2.1  配电系统设计概述 2
 2.2  住宅配电设计要求 2
 2.3  负荷分级 2
 2.4  配电线路保护 3
 2.5  供配电负荷计算 4
 2.5.1  进户配电箱总功率计算 4
 2.5.2  保护电流计算 5
 2.5.3  断路器选型 6
   2.6  配电回路机器保护措施方案选择 7
3  照明系统设计 9
 3.1  照明系统计算方法 9
 3.2  功率计算及灯具选型 11
4  插座设计 15
 4.1  插座位置及数量设计 15
 4.2  导线及导缆选择 16
5  弱电系统设计 17
 5.1  弱电系统概述 17
 5.2  有线电视系统 17
 5.2.1  有线电视系统的组成和分类 18
        5.2.2  有线电视系统设计 19
 5.3  对讲系统 19
     5.3.1  对讲系统概述 19
     5.3.2  对讲系统结构和功能设计 20
 5.4  电话系统 20
 5.4.1  电话系统概述 20
 5.4.2  电话系统设计 21
6  总结 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24





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