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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


论文编号:ZD1037    论文字数:24720,页数:51


关键字:BA系统 ;自动控制 ;江森自控 ;DDC
Building construction is the traditional and modern computer technology, information network technologies and testing sensing technology and the automatic control techniques of integration. Building automation system is comprehensive systems composed of the central computer and various control subsystem. It uses sensing technology, computer and modern communication technologies, including the heating and air-conditioning ventilation, elevators, monitoring and surveillance, water and drain monitoring, electricity transformation and prepare for the monitoring, automatically control the fire alarm and public security fire control keenly promoted synergies, such as the fully automated system of the integrated management. Each subsystem may be information between the interconnected and winding, for building owners, managers and provide the most effective information services and an efficient and comfortable and convenient and secure environment. BA systems are generally used to control and centralized monitoring and management is key sensing technology, and interfaces control technology and management information system. This design adopts the Johnson''s company metasys system in an exhibition hall for automatic control, the ddc directly with the premises of the relevant facilities to connect to the system of monitoring.

Keywords: BA system;Johnson controls;DDC;Automatic control

摘要 II
英文摘要 III
1  绪论 1
2  江森产品在楼宇自动控制系统中的功能分析 4
2.1  METASYS系统概述 4
2.2  Metasys的系统结构 4
2.3  Metasys硬件功能说明 5
2.3.1  通讯网络 5
2.3.2  操作站 6
2.3.4  网络控制器(NCU) 7
2.3.4  直接数字控制器(DX-9100) 7
2.3.5  手提检测器/网络终端 8
2.4  Metasys软件功能说明 8
2.4.1  用户图形化编程语言 9
2.4.2  报警信息报告及报告分组/报警管理 9
2.4.3  动态趋势分析 10
2.4.4  累积、统计功能 10
2.4.5  数据库下传/上载功能 10
2.4.6  时间预定功能 11
2.4.7  设备循环启/停/及重大设备启/停延时保护 11
2.5  DDC的对比 11
3  工程实际应用 13
3.1  工程概述 13
3.2  项目需求分析 13
3.2.1  系统技术概述 13
3.2.2  项目技术方法和手段 14
3.2.3  今后系统的使用情况预期 15
3.3  系统设计原则和依据 15
3.3.1  系统设计原则 15
3.3.2  设计依据 16
3.4  系统监控说明 16
3.5  系统网络设计 19
3.6  空调冷热源系统的监控功能 19
3.6.1  冷源系统 19
3.6.1  热源系统 24
3.7  空调通风系统的监控功能及调试、检测 26
3.7.1  空调机组 26
3.7.2  新风机组 28
3.7.3  送、排风机 30
3.8  电气设备系统 32
3.8.1  配电系统 32
3.8.2  照明监控系统 33
3.8.3  给排水系统 35
4  DDC监控点配置 41
5  总结 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46

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