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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/24


论文编号:ZD1243  论文字数:29908,页数:59  附原理图

摘  要
关键词:逆变  焊接电源  晶体管   PID

 The tiny machine control of go against and change the transistor welding power supply, at raising the function and the welding quantities of weld the power supplies, and push forward the application of weld the robot, all having the obvious value.Should open the following research work of exhibition for this:(1)Excellent turn the structure parameter of the welding power supply of the tiny machine control, become the series turn combine in actually produce the expansion is applied.(2)The control calculate way that lead into the forerunner, such as from correct the PID, from organize the nerve network of the misty control and mature  control technique, raise to control the accuracy.(3)Adopt the hungry design method of soft hardware that the function mold piece turn, strengthen the kit research that the tiny machine controls the system, the easy to batch quantity turns the production.The development of the micro-electronics technique, the calculator technique and the artificial intelligence control theories, will make the function of weld the power supply leap onto a new step.
 This text mainly includes the four-part cent.The first part was detailed to introduce the basic request and principles of the welding power supply, including its classification and characteristicses;The second part then to should design to do the project argument and overall design, give the origin designs a system with minimum machine, the confidence that had to this design a macro view;The third part designs for the hardware, detailed introduced and should design each machine piece need and go against to change the power supply of from examine a patient the function, the machine piece use mainly includes:8031,74 LS373s, EPROM2764, ADC0809, DAC0832, the electric current huor spreads the feeling machine and CW3524s.The four-part cent then designs for the software, introducing the control calculate way that should design to use:The PID control calculate way.
Key words: go against  weldingpower  transistor  PID

目   录
摘  要 1
第一章  绪论 3
1.1 弧焊电源基本要求及原理 3
 1.1.1 焊接电弧的电特性 3
 1.1.2 对弧焊电源的基本要求 6
1.2 弧焊电源的分类与特点 11
1.3 弧焊电源的发展现状和趋势 15
第二章  方案论证及整体设计 16
2.1   研究内容 16
2.2   方案论证 16
第三章  硬件设计 19
 3.1   单片机系统 19
 3.1.1   MCS—51单片机的硬件结构 19
 3.1.2   A/D转换器与8031接口 27
 3.1.3   DAC0832芯片介绍 32
 3.1.4   数据存储器的扩展 34
 3.2   霍尔传感器 36
 3.2.1   介绍 36
 3.2.2   工作原理与特性 37
 3.3   开关电源控制模块CW3524 41
 3.3.1   概述 41
 3.3.2   开关电源的基本工作原理 41
 3.3.3   CW3524控制模块的结构和工作原理 42
 3.4   保护电路及抗干扰措施 43
 3.5   逆变晶体管电源的自诊断功能 43
 3.5.1   概述 43
 3.5.2   控制系统的硬件自检 44
 3.5.3   EPROM的自检功能 44
 3.5.4   模数转换的自检 44
 3.5.5   数模转换线路的自检 45
 3.5.6   CW3524的自检 48
 3.5.7   对主电路的自检功能 48
第四章  软件设计 49
 4.1   介绍 49
 4.2   PID控制规律及其基本作用 49
 4.3   标准数字PID控制算法 50
 4.4 程序流程图(见附录A) 52
 4.5 程序清单(见附录B) 52
第五章  结 论 53
致谢 54
参考资料 55
附 录A 56
附 录B 57

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