论文编号:DQ205 论文字数:14421,页数:47
摘 要
关键词: 供电设计,变压器,开关柜,继电保护
This paper mainly introduces the design of 35kV substation in south city of ZheJiang. It also discusses the choice of main wiring, high pressure equipment and all kinds of the protection of relay, the calculation of load, short current and so on in detail, especially, the choice of main wiring, transformer and some electric equipment such as circuit breaker, current and Voltage sensor. It shows main wiring of substation, the distribution of plane and some protection equipment of high and low Voltage by the graphics of CAD,VISIO.
This design is closely related to reality in order to design the suitable substation by studying a lot of materials. The design adopts some stable-form and general protections, which can make workers on duty control the situation of substation timely, operate the equipments directly, know the breakdown and deal with it without delay, so that the system of power supply is scientific and standard in management. What’s more, it can exchange data with other automatic systems and giVe full play to whole adVantage in order to manage information in all systems as a whole.
Keywords:Power supply design , Transformer switchgear ,protection of relay
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
1 绪 论 1
1.1 变电所供电的意义和要求 1
1.2 国内外供电技术的现状与发展趋势 1
1.3 本文所依据的主要国家标准和技术规范 2
1.4 本文所做的主要工作 2
2 黄宅变电所设计资料 4
2.1 黄宅变电所设计要求 4
2.2 黄宅变电所设计资料 4
3 负荷计算 6
3.1黄宅变电所负荷计算方法 6
3.2黄宅变电所负荷计算 6
3.3集中功率补偿 9
4 黄宅变电所变压器容量的选择及台数的选择 13
4.1变压器台数选择原理 13
4.2变压器台数容量和型号选择 13
5 总降压变所主接线设计 15
5.1主接线方案设计原则 15
5.2主接线方案设计 15
6 短路电流计算 17
6.1短路电流计算的目的及方法 17
6.2本设计采用标幺制法进行短路计算 17
7 高压配电装置选择 23
7.1高压开关柜选择 23
7.2断路器的选择 23
7.3高压熔断器和熔体的选择 27
7.4电压及电流互感器的选择 27
7.5 35kV和10kV侧一次设备的选择校验 28
8 黄宅变电所高压进出线的选择继电保护设置 30
8.1总变电所高压进线的选择与校验 30
8.2 10/0.4kV变电所及高压设备进线的选择与校验 31
9 继电保护整定与计算 32
9.1 KC1的整定 32
9.2 KC2的整定 33
10 防雷与接地设计 35
10.1防雷 35
10.2接地 36
11 总结 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41
附录图1 42