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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/23


电气自动化论文编号:ZD811    论文字数:14816,页数:23

摘 要


 关键词:机舱监测报警 开关量 模拟量 马达运转信息  监测单元 显示单元 记录单元


Engine room monitor alarm system is one system which can monitor the running status of the equipments in the engine room in time and exactly instead of engineer to insure the equipments safety running. When the parameter which is monitored isn''t normal, it will emit alarm signal in time and print the note at the same time, inform the people who is on duty to exclude failure in time. This system can display and print the notes which include sequence number, time and parameter of the alarm. It can be displayed and printed in the full or partage, also can be displayed and printed every other few minutes or at any time. It''s one of the important monitor systems which can''t be lacked to achieve no-man drive engine room, and must be installed in the engine control room.

Keywords:Engine room monitor alarm system;Off-on quantity;Analogue quantity;Motor running note;Monitor cell;Display cell;Recode cell.

目  录

1. 引言 1
2. 机舱监测报警系统介绍 1
2.1. 工作过程 1
2.2. 功能作用 1
2.2.1. 机舱监测报警系统的主要功能:......................... 1
2.2.2. 机舱检测报警的辅助功能:............................. 2
2.3. 工作信号 4
2.3.1. 开关量............................................... 4
2.3.2. 模拟量............................................... 5
2.3.3. 马达运转信息......................................... 5
3. 监测报警系统的安装与调试 5
3.1. 监测报警系统的安装 5
3.1.1. 监测单元............................................. 5
3.1.2. 显示单元和记录单元................................... 6
3.2. 监测报警系统中报警点的调试 6
3.2.1. 开关量报警........................................... 7
3.2.2. 模拟量报警........................................... 8
3.2.3. 马达运转信息........................................ 12
总结 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19

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